Ned is Terrified

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•I'm bad at naming chapters, if you have any good ideas please comment.•

Peter returned from outer space and had to go immediately back to school.

May was already pissed off, and he didn't want to stay home with her. She tended to ignore him for a day, and then after that day she's normally back to normal.

Peter walks through the front door and makes his way quietly to homeroom. He checked his phone and noticed he's pretty early. He pulled out his earbuds and sat there.

10 minutes later the teacher arrives and looks surprised to see Peter. Peter was so dazed he didn't even notice her enter.

"Peter, welcome back" she greeted cheerfully. "Where have you been?"

"I've been busy with the Stark Internship" Peter replied.

"Oh. Today we have an field trip to Stark Towers luckily." She replied.

Peter froze. "Wait what?"

"We have a field trip, can you call your guardian through the class phone for me? We need to get your permission." She Said.

May wasn't happy with Peter right now. The last thing she'd want is for him to return to Tony Stark. "Ugh, can I take the day off instead? My aunt is busy she can't answer." He said.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow then." She Said. Peter left the class and the teacher shut the door.

Peter walked through the halls and out the school. He was excited to start patrol early.

He quickly made his way down some random alleyway and changed into his suit. He webbed his backpack and jumped onto a building and started.

Long story short, Peter was shot by some muggers who wanted to bring Spider-Man down.

He managed to knock all of them out, and then he notice his suit covered up the bullet wound. It was still there though. He needs help.

He then turns and notice another bullet at his side. He quickly webs the last mugger and then he swings towards Stark Towers. May is going to kill him.

In a nearby alleyway, he quickly changed and pulled out his ID. Mr. Stark gave Peter an ID for some reason instead of Spider-Man.

He then limped into the tower entry. He felt his pant and shirt getting red. His hearing started getting faint. He quickly pulled out his ID and limped slower and slower towards the security check.

He heard his name being called but he could no longer move. The blood loss was too much.

Peter lay unconscious on the floor with blood piling up around him.

Ned ran up to him. He realized he needs medical attention. But what could he do? The most he could do is put his hand over the wound.

He looked behind him and saw everyone looking stunned. "He needs Mr. Starks help. Now" Ned Said. Ned knew he had to take control of the situation.

"Boss is currently on his way. I've contacted Dr. Banner. His team is on the way." FRIDAY's voice said.

"Hurry up he's loosing blood" Ned Said. At this point he was scared.

"MOVE OVER" someone yelled. Ned obeyed without question. He watched as a group of doctors placed him on some table and moved him along. They all grabbed his stuff and rushed him off.

Ned has never been so scared. He was terrified. He just saw his friend be taken away.

The class was just staring at the ground now. His teacher felt guilt for sending him home. What could've even happened? Abuse? Though if it was abuse Peter wouldn't be able to make it all the way here. What even happened? And why did Peter come here?

Tons of questions raced through everyone's heads. Then the tour started and they all followed.

As they were scanning their passes to get in, they saw Tony Stark rush in skipping security and into the elevator. There was a cubby guy following him but he was not given access to the elevator. He looked terrified.

Ned was terrified but he knew he couldn't just leave his class. He followed the tour. He remember Peter telling him how cool this place is. All he hopes is his friend is okay.

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