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Peter Parker woke up early  and made his way to Stark Towers. Why, well he was given a day off, and where better to spend the day?

He put on his headphones and made his way to the elevator. He kept his head down and made his way into the elevator.

He kept tapping his fingers on his pants, eager to get to his lab. Well he was eager untill he lifted his head up. He had no words.

There stood his whole science class. He pulled out his headphones and faced Ned. "Whats going on?"

"Mr. Parker, we had given you a day off because we believed the internship is a lie. Today we have a tour of the tower." My favourite teacher said.

"W-w-w why?" Peter replied. Ned pointed at his phone. It was a spam of messages. Ned did try warning Peter then.

"Because I'm friends with the head of the interns. He said you do not intern at the tower. So I feared it may ruin your reputation if you came." My teacher explained.

I just stood there and resisted the urge to talk back. "Alright Enjoy the tour." I said. I then put my headphones back on.

The my teacher poked me. "What" I said.

"What are you really doing here at the tower." She asked.

Everyone in my class was staring at me. Ned was sweating. "I am here for my internship with Tony Stark." I said.

"Tony Stark has no interns." My teacher said.

"Yes he does, how do you think I got into the building?" I told her. The sarcasm building up in my voice.

What do I tell her now? I am going to get in trouble anyways. Then the elevator reached my floor. I quickly ran out and made my way to my lab. Mr. Stark never trusted me, so he gave me a lab by Bruce's.

Then I pulled out a screen and began writing with a marker the formula I planed on creating. Bruce trusted me, as long as I wrote out everything. I quickly wrote out the formula and started working.

I notice my class walking into Bruce's part of the lab. I kept my head down. I notice everyone staring at me.

I then get one of my claw robots to combine the two elements together. I get down and the experiment succeeded. The explosion was the right side. I then wrote down the results and began creating the next mixture.

I notice my class staring at me. Then Bruce knocks on the glass and points to the door. I give him a thumbs up and he comes in.

"Hi, Peter, can you do me a favour?" He asked.

"Sure" I reply.

"I'm getting really tired and I think I'll take a nap. Kids and science don't mix. Now I don't make sense." He said.

"Sure, Go get some rest, I'll resume the experiment later, we don't want to anger Mr. Stark again." I say. I help him out and then I face away from my class and change my shirt. It got chemicals on it. And I didn't want anyone to see the Spiderman side.

I then make my way into the lab and stare at Bruce. "Go get sleep I got this." I told him.

He mumbled a thanks and made his way out. "So what are we doing in Br- Dr. Banner's lab?" I asked.

"We were getting told chemical and lab safety. He was going to get us to conduct an experiment. Can we check out your lab?" Abraham said.

"First, nobody can enter my lab." I said.

"Why" Flash yelled out.

"Because Bruce isn't here." I said. My class was staring at me. "I mean Dr. Banner."

"You talk like you know the Bruce Banner." Flash called out.

I glared at my teacher but she just shrugged her shoulders. Why do all the teachers favour Flash?

"Yes, me and Dr. Banner are friends." I was glad he left. He'd probably get a bigger headache because of Flash.

"Second, we should do something else, I'm not qualified to do this experiment with everyone." I said.

"Why can't you ask anyone who's qualified?" My teacher asked.

"Because Dr. Banner's team is busy. They aren't qualified either." I said. "Now whats should we do?"

"Can we go to your workshop?" Asked Ned.

"Can't, confidential projects are in there. If you want I could bring you there another time, Why not we go check out the Avengers display. It has Avengers exclusive stuff on display."I said.

I heard some cheers and some grunts. I lead then out and to the elevator. "To the avengers Exhibit." I said.

"The tower is run by FRIDAY, Mr. Stark's AI. She has ears and eyes everywhere." I explained.

Then we reached the exhibit. I've visited this place when I needed some inspiration. Then the class stares at me. "You can explore this place. Also don't try to touch anything, there is cameras everywhere."

The class all runs off different directions. Ned and MJ are left. "What should we check out?" Ned asks.

"Come here" I say. We then make our way to the Spiderman section. There was a mini theatre and everything. "I designed this place myself."

"Any secrets?" Ned asked.

"Not really, you should see my workshop. Its much cooler and bigger." I said.

Then we walk around and I notice my first suit on display. Maybe I should recreate it. For special events. It is comfier.

We then go into the Iron Man section. Theres an bunch of prototypes of the suit. Mr. Stark is always complaining about running out of space.

There was a bunch of girls geeking out. Then as if on cue we all heard his voice.

"Pete. Come upstairs I have an idea you may like." He said.

"I'm busy leading a tour group for Bruce."

"I'll get someone to cover you, come upstairs." He said.

"Coming." I say as I run off. Today was weird. Really Weird.

Spiderman One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin