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The picture is me and Mikey. I was too lazy to look for a ralex picture so here ya go.

The boys have been recording for a couple hours already. And I've been sitting here, bored, for those said hours. The only good thing about studio is I know Robbie wouldn't bring anything up around the boys.

"Hey Alex, you want to go for a walk? We can even take over the boys vlog if you want."

"Yea. You guys should definitely do that! The fans have been asking for more of you, Elvis."

Why did Andy have to say that. Now it looks bad if I don't go. I hold back the roll of my eyes and stand up. I stretch my back to try and relax the tense muscles made from sitting in the same position for so long.

I look at Robbie to give him an 'are you coming?' look. He stands up as well, following me out the door. We walk in silence for awhile. Neither of us dare say the first word. It looked like we were going to be quiet for the whole walk, until he said something.

"So that kiss..."


He came to a quick stop, turning to face me at the same time.

"Are we going to talk about it or not?"

"Why does it matter? It was just a kiss."

"Oh...was that all it was to you?"

"Well...I mean...I don't know. it a kiss isnt it?" I said defeated.

"Did you not feel anything?"

"I don't know."

"Well you better figure it out. I'm not going to chase after someone who doesn't like me?" He stormed off. Only to stop when I said something.

"What do you mean chase?"

"Have you really not realized?" He threw his hands up for emphasis. I gave him a blank stare and he continued walking. I was going to let him continue without me but, I didn't. I couldn't.

"Robbie wait!" He turned around and I started jogging towards him.

"What do you–" I cut him off with a kiss. My hands immediately flying to his hair. His soft plump lips upon mine. His hands are caressing my sides. But in roadtrip fashion, everything good must get ruined.

"Elvis! You forgot your camera." Jack stoped right in front of us, slightly out of breath from running. "Elvis, why were you kissing Robbie?"

"" tears stung my eyes in a matter of seconds. I didn't know this would be the way I was coming out. I was about to speak but Robbie beat me to it.

"He wasn't. I was kissing him. I thought he wanted to but I was wrong." Jack didn't say anything, just looked back and forth between us two. Please don't tell the boys though." He begged.

"Ok... here's your camera Elvis." He ran back to the studio, and hopefully he keeps his mouth shut.

"He didn't believe that one bit." I laughed. "Do you think he'll keep his mouth shut?" I say worriedly.

"You tell me. You've known him longer."

"I'm not sure." I stood there looking for something to say. "thank you."


"Why did you do that?"

"Because you aren't ready to come out. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do."

"But how did you know I was gay?"

"Do straight boys get hard at the sight of a dick?"

"Touche." He giggled a little at my sarcasm.

"Should we start vlogging?"

"Yea probably." I turn on the camera and face it towards Robbie.

"Hey guys. We're taking over the vlog!"


"Guys can we get food?"

"We have food at the house."

"But no ones going to cook it."

"How about as a segment of the the vlog we have a couple of us cook? And we'll all come together and have meal?" Mikey suggested.

"That sounds fantastic. But I'm not cooking. I just want to eat."

"Who's cooking first?"

"Mikey can since he came up with the idea."

"No fair!"

"Is too fair. But who's cooking with him?"

"Draw straws?" I suggest.

"Do you have 4 straws with you? Cause I know I don't."

"No, but I have tooth picks." I dig in my camera bag and pull out four tooth picks. I break one in half and line them up in my hand to where they all seem the same length. I held it up to them and told them to pick one.

"I'm going first!" Rye shouted. "Dammit." First go and he got the short one.

"Looks like your cooking with me buddy." Mikey said.


Me and Robbie we're laying on my bed, my head on his chest. He was playing with my hair as we watched 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'.

"You're so vain! You probably think this song is about you, don't you, don't you!" When Kate Hudson and Mathew McConaughey started singing to each other, me and Robbie sang with them.

"Guys, dinners ready!" Rye yelled. I look over to Robbie speaking with only our eyes.

"10 more minutes!" Robbie yelled back.

"No, Now!"

"Ugh! The ends my favorite part."

"Mine too." I say getting up. "Ryes so vain."

"He probably thinks this song is about him." We laugh as we make our way down to the kitchen. We sit down around our make-shift dinning room table, Robbie across from me.

"So here have chicken, lasagna, and some veggies!" Rye said. I know for a fact that rye can actually cook, so why do our plates look so disgusting?

"Bon apitite!" Mikey said.

I look at my food. I know I've already surpassed my 950 calories for the day. With my fork I pick at the food, trying to make it look like I've eaten some. Occasionally I take bites of the veggies but not enough to fill the empty void of hunger buried deep inside of me. But it's ok for that void to be there, it'll go away with time, but I have to work to get skinny. So I continue not to eat.

This isn't edited BC I'm lazy.

So what'd ya think? We had that cute Ralex moment.

Does anyone else love the movie how to lose a guy in 10 days? It's one of my favorites!

I have so many book ideas but not enough time. Ahhhhh it sucks but what can you do about it.

Pls vote and comment🧡

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