I Remember

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I remember, swimming through the clear majestic heaven of blue and how B-fin and I used to glide through the currents of water, past the branches of colorful corals. The feeling of being alive, the feeling of adrenaline course through my veins with each kick. I remember B-fin flapping her wings and racing me across the reefs that stood below. She was a stingray, but to me, she was nothing less than a human, nothing less than a loyal friend.We were together since the day I learnt to swim. And she was with me on each and every one of my underwater quests. Now the beautiful underwater heaven is slowly dying. Plastic and waste slowly increasing in our beautiful world. Ever so silently it calls us, begs us to save it but, we pay no heed.

I remember the dark and stormy day when the tide was high and the waters rocked the beat as if to tell it to go away. And the way the wind howled into my ears like the cackling of thunder in a distance . The sea throbbed grey with woe as the harsh drops of rain hit me.

I remember forgetting my fears as I jumped into the murky dark depth of the sea. B-fin was struggling in a distance, her wings flapping faster and faster. A giant plastic bag covered her face, choking and strangling her.

I remember how my childhood friend was battling, wrestling for breath, fighting to be free and striving for life. I fought  against the strong ocean's strong vast currents in an attempt to save her. It felt as if it were a nightmare, swimming and swimming, my muscles soring. But, it was of no use because I couldn't go any further and I battled the ocean currents to get to my friend.

I remember how me and B-fin were both struggling against the waves, helpless. I slowed down because I had given up. But, B-fin didn't give up hope. She was struggling and fighting, refusing to give up hope. Yet, as I watched her with pain, her strength slowly faded and she floated limply, before disappearing into the turbulent sea. The pain and sadness hit me like a huge tidal wave, as hopelessness consumed me. I was lost in my grief and sorrow as the tears blurred my vision and I allowed myself to float back up.

I remember how it hit me that many people are unaware of the battles being fought underwater. Every day, every minute, the battle rages on endlessly. The main cause being plastic. But when I thought about it, it's not the plastic that was to blame. It was us humans. I slowly made my way to the shore as I flopped down on the sand, tears clouding my eyes and I realized the sad truth, which is that we are responsible for the battles fought in silence.

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