I wanted to let out a sigh of relief but stopped myself when I realized what was going on. I flew onto the street and through a red light. My eyes widened when car honking filled my ears. My hart skipped a beat. I looked to my right, only to see the car coming closer than I expected. The screeching sound of the car being thrown on its brakes, was the only sound I could hear. And before I could do anything, I could feel myself crashing into the car, making me fly in the air, only to land on the ground a couple of seconds later.

And then there was nothing but silence. My eyes were open, staring up at the buildings towering over me. Above the buildings was the clear blue sky, only a little piece of it. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, I could hear it. It felt like everything went in slow motion, not only me, but everyone around me also. I blinked a view times, still staring up at the sky. And that was the moment the adrenaline faded away. An annoying beeping sound filled my ears. I groaned and lifted my hand up to my head so I could rub my forehead. The slow motion was gone and suddenly the world was on 'play' again. I could hear people talking in hushed voices and footsteps coming closer. But that wasn't the only sound I could hear. Two car doors slammed shut and voices neared me.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit'.

'Are you alright?'.

'I'm so, so, so, so sorry'.

'Somebody call 911!'.

'Can you move? Please say something'.

There were two voices, both sounding quite scared. A hand was placed on my leg and another one on my cheek. Two faces came into my vision, hanging over my body. 'Where are you hurt? Are you hurt?', one of the guys asked in a desperate voice. 'Of course she's hurt, Alex', the other one said nervous. The hand on my face shook me a little, begging me to do something. So I did.

I immediately pushed the guy's hand away from my face and sat up. 'I'm fine', I groaned. I felt how my hair moved in front of my face but before I could push it back, it was done for me. I looked to my right with a weird expression on my face. 'You should lay back down, just for a minute or so', the guy with brown hair (I think that was Alex) said and pushed me back onto the ground by my shoulders.

'How about you stop touching me so I can get up?', I snapped and pushed his hands away, again.

'Rob? Are you calling 911?', the guy with brown hair (Alex?) asked. My eyes widened as I moved gaze towards the guy that had his hand placed on my leg. He nodded. He was holding a phone to his ear, waiting impatiently. 'I said I was fine', I said irritated and earned 'Rob's' attention. He squeezed my leg before going back to completely ignoring me and keeping his attention on his phone. I wanted to lunge for his phone but the brown-haired kid stopped me.

By now, a crowd had formed around us, curious to if I was alright and what the commotion was about.

'How many fingers?', he said, pushing his hand in my face. 'If you want to keep that hand, you better get it out of my face', I said trying to sound calm. I think I failed.

He pulled his hand back, looking at me with a concerned expression. I shifted my gaze back to the 'Rob' guy. 'Are you deaf? I said I was okay. So there's no need for an ambulance or anything like that', I explained to him. He just looked at me with the same face as his friend. Concerned. So, of course, he ignored me again. But this time, I was done with him.

I moved forwards in a quick move and grabbed his phone away from him, ending his call. 'I'm. Okay'. I then looked up at the people who were still surrounding us. 'There's nothing to look at, you can go now!', I exclaimed, moving my arms in the air. People looked down at me, unsure of what to do. But after a couple of seconds thinking about it, they finally left, even the people who hesitated for a while.

'Are you sure you're okay?', the brown haired boy asked with a worried voice. I bit my tongue, making sure I wouldn't open my mouth and throw a snarky comment at him. The boy sighed and stood up, also offering me a hand. I, of course, ignored his hand and pushed myself off the ground. I felt a slight pain in my knee but didn't even think about mentioning it. Else I would never get out of here. I looked down at my jeans. A big tear was visible at the place of my knee. 'Awesome', I whispered sarcastically. I bent over so I could rub over it.

'I'm really, really, really sorry for what happened. I'm so sorry', the brown haired one whispered shaky. He also handed me over my snapback that had fallen off. I let out a sigh and shook my head, placing my snapback back where it belonged. 'It wasn't your fault. It was mine. So there's no need for saying sorry', I tried calming him. I put a small smile on my face, hoping that it would ease him. He put his hand in his hair and then let it slip down so he could rub his face. 'Please let us take you to the hospital', he said then. 'It's just for a little checkup', Rob piped in. 'We just want to make sure you're okay'. 'But there's nothing to checkup. Please believe me, I'm fine'. 'It'll only take, like, a halve hour', Rob pushed further. I went to open my mouth and say something but Rob cut me off. 'I'm sure you have a halve hour to spare so please just come with us', Rob insisted, his voice growing louder.

'Fuck', I whispered. My eyes widening and my mouth hanging open. I fished my mobile out of my pocket, ignoring the new crack in the screen. I looked at the time and stress took over me.

'Skateboard', I whispered, not caring to explain anything to the two not understanding guys. I turned around and, hurried, looked at the side off the car. 'What?', one of them asked. 'Skateboard!', I yelled at them, like that would explain everything. The boys looked like the understood what I wanted and started moving around the car. Searching for the same thing as I did.

I couldn't be late again. Jack would kill me.

I was about to walk to the back of the car when I heard someone clear their throat. 'Found it', Rob said. I ran around the car but fell death in my tracks when I looked at him.

'You can't be serious!', I screamed and pulled my hair. I hid my face in my hands and felt my heart going faster. When I looked up again I saw him uncomfortably standing there with my broken skateboard in his hands. It was split in two. I balled my hands to fists and did my not to kick something. And by something I meant the car from those boys.

The brown haired boy- you know what. I think it was Alex, but I'm not sure... But were gonna call him that either way.

Alex, looked at me with guilty eyes. 'I-I'll make sure you'll get a new one. I promise. And we'll drive you to the hospital, so you don't need your board'. I looked him dead in the eye. 'What don't you understand about the sentence: I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital? I don't have the freaking time for that! I need to get to my goddamn work. So would you just shut up about it?!', I hissed at him. I walked over to Rob to grab my skateboard ('s) from him, but he took a step back.

'Don't snap at him like that and stop acting like a bitch, would you', Rob said, trying to sound calm. 'We're just trying to help you. HE's just trying to help you', he continued.

'Well, then you shouldn't have hit me with a car', I said. Rob laughed bitterly. 'You were the one ignoring a red light', he spit back.

'Robert', Alex whispered, trying to calm his friend. 'It's the truth, Alex', 'Robert' fought back. So his name really was 'Alex'.

'If you just had watched out more', I said and grabbed my skateboard from Robert's hand. This time with him just allowing it. 'Have you ever heard of stoplights?-', he wanted to continue but I cut him off. 'I don't have time for this, I need to go', and after saying that I stalked off, walking in the direction I needed to go to.

'Wait!', Alex screamed from behind me.

'Don't you dare, Alex', Robert whispered with an angry voice. 'No! Alex, don't!', Robert whisper/yelled. Soon enough I heard footsteps coming closer.

'I don't know where you need to go to, but you'll get there faster by car. Let us drive you there'.



So, I'm Jente and I really hope you liked this first chapter of my new story! I'm very excited to share my thoughts with y'all and we'll see where this all goes!

Thanks for reading <3

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stay fab x J

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