11. Family and Game 1

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The other still haven't known if I am in a relationship with Tin except for Ae, Pete, Lemon, Pond, ChaAim, Good, P'No and his boyfriend, P'Type and his boyfriend. The others just know that Tin is one of Can's friend and vice-versa, even Tin family. It is not that I don't want to voice out to the public that I have a boyfriend and it is Tin, I just don't feel it is necessary to publicity our relationship, except Tin's family.

After sixth month anniversary, I had been telling Tin all about me which I can see the future through dream and my family. At first, he didn't believe what I just have explained to him but he takes the information well and He is just being Tin who always taking care of me. (a/n: I know how you feel Can....) My friends who found out about my condition after Tin had said to them was angry, no, disappointed is the correct word for them.

"So, Can, you didn't trust us at all, right?" Ae said with the disappointed voice.

I shake my head, "No, don't say like that, I can't make all of you worried about me just because I have been wanting to finish my problem alone." I say with the concerned voice and turn my head down do not dare take a look at them.

"But Can, you left us out in your things is wrong, at least, don't give us false hope about your condition," Pete said. I can see his eyes full of sadness and I am not happy with that.

"I am sorry," I can always say this words to them.

"This is for the last, Can, we forgive you, Tin explained to us that he already knows about your problem then he said don't worry to us about your problem. So, we did not ask about it any further. But, you can rely on us if both of you can't make it, understand?" Ae said with the stern voice and look at both of us then look at Tin to make sure we take his words seriously.

"Don't worry, Can in my care." Tin said with the flat face and serious voice.

Day by days, week by weeks, we are getting know each other past and secret, the last is Tin's family

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Day by days, week by weeks, we are getting know each other past and secret, the last is Tin's family. *sigh*

Tin who had been studied about my family, he can take well the information but not to me. I am scared for nothing as if I am turning to jelly

"Mae... I will be taking my boyfriend home this weekend" Tin says in the phone while I just look at Tin with my wide eyes, and glad that my ice cream doesn't splatter on the floor.

"Sure, this weekend I will be bringing him," Tin says calmly.

"Yeah Mae.. it is him.."

"Okay, we will be seeing you this weekend. I love you, Mae."

I was looking at Tin in silent when I don't know what to do with him. Tin is looking at me and smiles sheepishly in front of my face.

"Look like this weekend I will bring you to my parent's home," Tin says while smiling like a child to me.

First Love (TinCan) (Rewritten)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora