"Shut up!" the girl gives the redheaded Soc a poisonous glare which caused her to be quiet.

"And what are you going to do? Get your brother and the rest of his mates to jump me?" the blonde Soc boy taunts, his lips curling into a cruel smirk.

"Maybe I'll do just that," the girl replies, smirking cruelly.

The Soc laughs in his face. "And get your brother's dirty Greaser ass thrown into jail? What will happen to the rest of your dirty Greaser siblings then?"

In a flash, the girl grabs her tray of food and flings it at the Soc boy. "Don't you ever bring my siblings into this, you son of a bitch!" she roars, her voice so loud it pierces through the cafeteria.

The girl turns around, looking around the cafeteria and after seeing blue eyes cold as ice, Billie realised that the girl was Angela.

Suddenly a group of teachers burst into the cafeteria, pushing past Billie as they rush over to the scene. Angela drops the tray on the floor and it makes a loud sound as it clatters with the ground. Billie tears her eyes away from Angela to see that the teachers have rushed over to the Soc's side whilst giving Angela dirty looks.

Billie exits the cafeteria before Angela sees the disappointed look in her eyes.

Billie hears the hushed whispers of her classmates as they gossip about the fight in the cafeteria

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Billie hears the hushed whispers of her classmates as they gossip about the fight in the cafeteria. Billie feels the scrutinised stares of her classmates as they gossip about the fight in the cafeteria. Billie sinks further under the desk, wishing for the ground to swallow her whole. She wishes that her sister didn't have to be so hotheaded and start fights with Socs. She wishes that she didn't have to walk around school being ogled at like an animal at a zoo. A small part of her wishes that she wasn't a Shepard, but she ends that thought as soon as it began.

Billie feels uncomfortable and she senses that her teacher knows that, because when she asked him to be excused from class he said immediately yes. She makes her way to the restroom, passing by classrooms filled with students. She lowers her head in order to make herself less recognisable.

As she rounds the hallway, she sees Tim and Angela. She freezes and turns back, leaning her head against the wall. She peers into the hallway to see that Tim and Angela have stopped at the front entrance of the school, their backs towards Billie as they argue in hushed tones.

"... the one time you actually go to school and you get into a fight. You know, if all you're going to do at school is to cause trouble, don't bother going," Billie hears Tim say. Billie can hear the disappointment laced in Tim's tone and she knows how much it will affect Angela.

"All you do is think I'm going around causing trouble," Angela replies, hurt evident in her tone.

"Then change and maybe I'll think otherwise," Tim replies before pushing open the doors and leaving Angela alone in the hallway.

Young Blood ⏤ Ponyboy Curtis | ✓Where stories live. Discover now