Ice-Dancing Class

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Today was Sofia and Hugo's first ice-dancing class at the CSS. They were at the ice rink with their classmates, and they were putting on their skates.

"This is awesome—our first ice-dancing class at the Corinthian Sports School," Hugo beamed.

"I know—I've been looking forward to this since we first came here," Sofia smiled. "Who knows what we'll do first: an ice-dancing recital, a competition..."

"I can't wait to find out," Hugo smiled. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered his eyes, and he heard someone say, "Guess who?" That voice sounded very familiar.

"I know that voice—is it Dad?" Hugo guessed. As the hands uncovered his eyes, he turned that it was, indeed, his father.

"Indeed, it is," King Garrick beamed, hugging his son.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Hugo gasped.

"We haven't spent much time together lately, and I thought being the assistant coach for the ice-dancing class would get us to do just that, just like when you were at Royal Prep," Garrick replied.

"Gosh, thanks," Hugo grinned. "I've been thinking about how we could spend more time together, and it looks like you've found the perfect thing."

The ice-dancing teacher, Miss Pamela, flew just above the ice. "Greetings, boys and girls," she smiled. "Let's get started on our ice-dancing class, shall we?"

The students got onto the ice.

"Let's start with a simple spin," Miss Pamela said. She glided on the ice, then jumped and spun in the air. "Now let's see you try."

The skaters tried it out, and they got the hang of it—and they were all impressed with how well Sofia and Hugo did a spin together.

"My goodness, you're all doing so well for our first class," Miss Pamela smiled. "Now let's try something different: the Stargazer Spin." She jumped up and spun gracefully on her back, and then she came back down. "Now let's see you try it."

Everyone tried out the Stargazer Spin, and a few of the students had a little trouble with it. Miss Pamela was impressed with how Sofia and Hugo did their Stargazer Spins. Sofia saw that Karen was having trouble with her Stargazer Spin.

"Need a hand, Karen?" Sofia asked.

"Please," Karen nodded.

"You just need to get some speed, then push off with your legs really hard, so you can kick into the spin," Sofia instructed.

"Okay," Karen nodded. She picked up some speed and pushed off and kicked into the spin, and she pulled it off very well. Then she got back down. "Thanks, Sofia."

"No problem," Sofia smiled.

"Okay, now let's work on our fireball flips," Miss Pamela smiled. She watched as the students did their fireball flips. "You're all doing so well."

"Go on, champ—show her your triple," Garrick encouraged his son.

"Okay, Dad," Hugo smiled.

Sofia and Hugo jumped up and did a triple fireball flip much to the surprise of Miss Pamela and the students.

"Wow, Sofia, Hugo, where did you learn how to do that?" Miss Pamela gasped.

"For years, I've read about Enchanted Ice Dancing in books—and I owe most of it to my dad because he used to push me and my brother to be great at rugged sports before he let me try ice-dancing at Royal Prep," Hugo recalled. "It really helped me get a lot of muscle."

"The first time I tried Enchanted Ice Dancing, I really wasn't very good, but Hugo helped me out with everything," Sofia said.

"That's really nice," Miss Pamela smiled.

"This whole ice-dancing thing helped me get closer to my dad," Hugo smiled.

"That's nice," Miss Pamela grinned.

Sofia and Hugo helped their classmates with their ice-dancing, and Miss Pamela was really impressed with how good everyone is.

"Great job, boys and girls," Miss Pamela smiled. "In fact, you've all done so well that I think you're ready to put on a ballet on ice."

All the students liked the sound of that—they were already looking forward to performing in this ballet.

"Perhaps we can spend the last few minutes of class deciding what ballet to perform," Miss Pamela said.

Linda raised her hand and said, "It's almost December—we can put on The Nutcracker."

Everyone else loved the sound of that.

"I think Sofia and Hugo should be the leading characters, Clara and the Nutcracker himself," Karen spoke up.

Everyone else liked that idea, and Sofia and Hugo blushed.

"Sofia, Hugo, what do you say?" Miss Pamela asked. "Do you want to play the leads?"

Sofia and Hugo looked at each other, and then they looked at their friends. "Okay!" they both cried together.

The whole class was happy that Sofia and Hugo were playing the leads in the ballet.

"Good on you, champ," Garrick smiled.

"Well, since we already have our Clara and Nutcracker, the rest of you will audition for other roles," Miss Pamela announced.

That night, at Enchancia Castle, Sofia told her family about the ice-dancing ballet at the Corinthian Sports School.

"Wow, good on you, sweetie," Miranda smiled.

"Seeing a classic ballet in a different method seems interesting," James smiled.

"So how have you been doing at your schools?" Sofia asked her siblings.

"Just fine, Sofia, thank you," Amber replied. "We've been learning how to trade with other kingdoms."

"Sounds good, Amber," Sofia grinned. She turned to James and asked, "How about you, James?"

"I've been helping a few of my classmates with their fencing skills," James smiled.

"Great," Sofia grinned.

"So are you going to rehearse for your ice-dancing ballet soon?" James asked.

"As soon as we have our full cast," Sofia replied. "Hugo and I already have the lead roles, and we need to wait until our friends get their roles. Tomorrow they're auditioning for the rest of the roles."

"Sounds fair enough," Roland smiled.

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