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Sofia remembered when she first took up Enchanted Ice-Dancing at Royal Prep. She didn't really want to try it because it involved enchanted footwear, and she still hadn't forgotten the day her stepsister, Amber, jealously gave her magic trick shoes to ruin her first dance lesson with Professor Popov. But Sofia tried ice-dancing anyway—and while Amber, Maya, Clio, and Lakshmi had gotten the hang of it, she herself didn't. On the first day of the ice-dancing class, the class was sharing the only ice rink with the hockey team—both these classes met at the same time. When the hockey coach, Sir Henley, took the hockey team for a run, Prince Hugo stayed behind—not only was he interested in the ice-dancing class, but he was worried for Sofia. He read about ice-dancing before and decided to give it a try...and he was surprisingly great at it. He was able to do a triple fireball flip. Sofia and Flora were so impressed that they invited him to join the class. At first, Hugo didn't want to join the ice-dancing class, thinking it's not for boys. Sofia reminded him of the time she tried out for the flying derby team, and she encouraged him to try it out, and he accepted.

The other boys believed ice-dancing was for girls, so Hugo tried to keep it a secret from them—and it really wasn't easy because ice-dancing and hockey met at the same time. Hugo decided to get out of hockey practice by pretending to be sick. During his first ice-dancing class, it turned out that the students were to put on an ice-dancing recital for the whole school. Sofia and Hugo decided to work on a routine together, and in the process, Hugo helped Sofia with her ice-dancing. They decided to continue practicing on the outdoor ice rink at Hugo's palace, but this drew the attention of his father, King Garrick, who decided that the time has come to spend more time with his son and be more active in his life.

Garrick decided to spend more time with Hugo by becoming the assistant hockey coach, and that was a problem because Hugo really didn't want to let down Sofia or Garrick. In order to keep both these people happy, Hugo decided to switch back and forth between classes, and it went rather well—until the hockey team caught him in the act, and he finally confessed to them. Derek was about to make fun of Hugo, but Sofia and her older stepbrother, James, stood up for him and reminded the whole hockey team of how she went through this experience. The whole hockey team was okay with Hugo ice-dancing, and they helped him out by agreeing to tell his father that his son was too sick to come to practice. Sofia still believed Hugo should tell Garrick the truth, but Hugo was still afraid, believing his father would never be okay with it.

On the day of the recital, Hugo and Sofia were about to get ready, and Hugo was showing Sofia how to pull off a spin but wound up getting caught by Garrick, who didn't scold his son for twirling but assumed he was feeling better and took him to practice. Later, while Sofia was warming up for the ice dancing recital, she realized that Hugo had been such a great friend to her, and she decided to do the same for him. She showed up at hockey practice and finally convinced Hugo to tell his father the truth. Hugo left hockey practice to go with Sofia to the recital only for Garrick, Sir Henley, and the rest of the hockey team to go after them.

Once Sofia and Hugo made it to the recital, Flora gave him a blue tuxedo to match Sofia's blue dress. The minute Garrick, Sir Henley, and the hockey team made it to the recital, Sofia and Hugo started their routine, and the whole audience was wowed by it. Sir Henley even said that Hugo was the best ice-dancer he'd ever seen—he even judged at least a dozen competitions. When Sofia and Hugo finished their routine, the whole audience went crazy. However, they saw that Garrick had gone after them, and Hugo was sure he was in big trouble—but to his surprise, Garrick was rather impressed. He was furious that his son never told him the truth and admitted that he thought ice-dancing was for girls, but seeing how much fun Hugo had convinced him otherwise. In fact, Garrick was very proud and even embraced his son's passion for ice-dancing by becoming an assistant coach for the ice-dancing class until Hugo graduated from Royal Prep.

Since then, Hugo had been ice-dancing whenever he had the chance. His family even built him an indoor ice rink for his birthday. He and Sofia even won first place in their very first world ice-dancing championships.

Now Sofia and Hugo are students at the Corinthian Sports School, and they were taking up ice-dancing there. They didn't know what could be any better.

Sofia the First: Hocus Focusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें