Chapter Thirty

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This is so stupid. He won't care.

He was upset before because I lied to him.

Though he also shot me with a dart because he was scared of what I could do.

Being Lucifer's daughter doesn't make me any more powerful. I don't think.

"You're staring again."

Heat rushes to my cheeks and my gaze flicks up to his face. "I wasn't staring, I was just lost in thought," I murmur.

He raises his eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

I tell him I can't sleep. That's all.

"Is your leg bothering you?"

I pause for a moment before nodding. Daniel shifts a little beneath me, moving his arm out from under my legs. I lay sideways across his lap; he practically cradles me against his chest. My leg has to stay elevated so I tried to convince him to just sleep in his own room, but he insisted on staying with me on the couch.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asks softly, running his hand along the side of my face.

"I don't think so," I sigh. I try to readjust my position and gasp at the searing pain that instantly blooms in my knee. My head falls back and I squeeze my eyes shut. "Oh fuck that hurts," I breathe.

Daniel grips my hand tightly. "I'm sorry Ana, I wish I could take the pain away," he mutters.

"I thought mates could do that," I grit out.

He sighs. "Fully bonded mates can. A mark isn't quite enough to take away this much pain."

It eventually subsides but leaves behind a throbbing ache. "Well at least with my wings I'll heal faster," I mumble.

"You need to let them out if you want them to help heal you."

I crane my head to see Logan standing by the door. I didn't hear him come in. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Have you not noticed that hiding your wings hides your power?"

I roll my eyes. "Well yeah of course but it doesn't affect my healing. Does it?"

He nods. "Your wings are particularly powerful, you need to let them out if you want to heal faster."

"Well okay then, looks like I'm going to have to get used to walking around with wings again," I mutter.

"Why are you always lurking?" Daniel suddenly asks as Logan starts to open the door.

"This is his house," I hiss. "He can lurk if he wants."

Logan smirks. "It's fine Luci. I move quietly, perhaps if your senses were better, you would have noticed when I entered the room."

My eyes fly wide, and I bite down hard on my tongue. Daniel growls under his breath, frowning when Logan leaves looking quite entertained with himself.

"Your uncle is mean," he mutters.

"Aw did he hurt the big bad alpha's feelings?" I tease, tapping him lightly on the nose.

"If the big bad alpha is hurt, it's because his luna is in pain," he growls, kissing me firmly. A small laugh escapes my lips making him growl again. "Are you calling me a liar?" He demands.

"Wha―I didn't even say anything!"

"You were thinking it."

I roll my eyes a little. "Fine whatever you say Mr. Big Bad Alpha. I'm going back to sleep now," I say, letting my head fall onto his shoulder.

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