Girl time then guy time

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Courtney changed her shirt and got out what she should wear tonight. Cute little ripped jeans with black high top converse, her proposal shirt and "Joel and Luke" hoodie! Luke came up and Eliza ran up to him hugging his legs. Courtney smiled at the scene, as Luke leaned down to her level. "Bubby play?" She said questioningly, pointing to her doll house. He chuckled but obliged, and the three of them played and read until 1. When Luke said it was time for Eliza to take a nap, she was an obedient child. Luke put in Eliza's favorite movie, veggie tales, and the 3 of them sat on her bed, Eliza snuggled up in between them. Soon she fell asleep, snuggled into Luke's side, so the newly engaged fiancés started to talk about the future, their future, until they too fell asleep.

Joel walked in an hour later, he smiled at the picture in front of him, even though he was slightly jealous of his little brother. He walked over and shook Luke's shoulder "hey mate, um, aren't y'all trying to leave around 4?" Luke moaned a little before fully waking up, "yeah, why?" He said groggily. "Well it's 3 and y'all have been up here since 11:30 so I just came in to check on you" Joel said sincerely, "thanks little-big bro, I didn't mean to fall asleep. Eliza fell asleep, then Courtney, and yeah, here we are." They both chuckled. "I'll get up soon, Courtney and I decided to take Eliza tonight" Luke told Joel, waiting for his reaction. "Yeah mum told me, that's cool bro. I'm really happy for you." Joel replied. He gently rolled Eliza over to where she was facing Courtney and she cuddled up to her. Luke pulled Joel out and into their room because he wanted to let the girls sleep a little longer, and they needed to have a bro talk.

Luke closed the door to their room, "are you okay?" He asked, facing Joel who sat on his bed. "Why wouldn't I be?" He snapped, "I knew it!" Luke exclaimed, "talk to me bro? I'm here for you." He sat down next to him on the bed and Joel turned to face him. "I'm 25 and I'm single. My 22 year old brother is engaged and 3 older siblings are married. Why am I having such a hard time with relationships? Why is God making me wait so long? This sounds so petty. I really am happy for you Luke, I'm just starting to wonder if God even has a girl for me." He trailed off, but Luke understood. He just put his arm around Joel, "don't worry, Joely, Gods timing is perfect, he'll give you your girl when the time is right. And don't worry, nothing is going to change. I promise." He nodded, we both knew we'd still be close, with our music career and stuff. We just released our first ep and have a few gigs booked, we're gonna try to open up for Rebecca a few times. We hugged just as there was a knock at the door. We both pulled back and Luke said come in. And the door creaked open.

A/N: oooooooooh cliff hanger😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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