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Four year old Elizabeth woke up to someone pulling her out of bed, she screamed but no one came, she expected one of her brothers to come running to her rescue but they didn't. The masked man took her to a van, and there were 4 other masked men. They took of their masks and it was her brothers.

Elizabeth woke with a start, it was dark, very dark. She got up and ran to her brother's room across the hall, and jumped into the bed, under the covers and immediately he woke, because these nightmares had been happening for about a week and she always did exactly this. "Eliza?" he asks, pushing the covers back. 22 year old Joel, pulled his 4 year old sister onto his chest, holding her close. "Did you have a nightmare" he asks in a whisper, trying to calm his shaking, baby sister. She nodded "do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked gently, knowing she might not want to. "It was you" she said, "me?" He asked, shocked. The dream was the same every night, but gradually there was more. The first night she was woke up and pulled out of bed, the next no one came when she screamed, third the man took her to a van, and last night she said there were 4 men in the van. So when she said "it was you," he was very confused. "You, Bubba, Benny, Lukey, and Danny." She cried, "you took me." "Oh no, no we didn't." He said holding her close, "it was just a dream" he said trying to make her believe him, "we'd never hurt you."

"Joel? Is that Eliza?" Luke asked groggily. "Yeah." Joel said across the room. "Do you want Lukey?" Joel asked Eliza, and she nodded. "Luke come here," Joel said and Luke got up and laid down next to Joel. Eliza crawled in between them, and Luke asked about her dream. She explained it to him and he had the same general reaction as Joel.

"Little Bunny, we'd never do that. We love you too much to hurt you." He said leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Bubby? Lukey? Will you sing to me?" She asked and they agreed, of course. And they decided to sing about love, because after all, Luke said it was love that wouldn't let them hurt her. "If I sing but don't have love, I waste my breath with every song, I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise, If I speak with a silver tongue

Convince a crowd but don't have love, I leave a bitter taste with every word I say, So let my life be the proof, The proof of your love, Let my love look like You and what You're made of, How You lived, how You died, Love is..." and they noticed she was already asleep, cuddling Joel's arm, her face in his shoulder.

So Luke cautiously got up and went back to his bed, and they fell asleep, knowing they've done all they can for tonight.

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