[Yosuke Hanamura] - Saved

Start from the beginning

"Huh-what the-"

Before he could react and protect himself, a slew of arrows pierced the shadows that were aiming at Yosuke. The shadows cried out with a horrible noise and were defeated...each shadow was taken down with one arrow. More shadows crowded Yosuke, but the arrows kept on coming until there were no more targets to be shot at. 

"W-what was that?" Yu mumbled. He glanced over at Naoto, and she shook her head. She knew nothing about this as well. He contacted Rise as well, but she had no clue either. Yukiko had a concerned look on her face while Naoto was going towards the direction of where the arrows were coming from and saw a something. Or rather someone, and it was...you. You noticed them looking at you, but you were stiff with fear and anxiety. All you wanted to do was to help somebody out and leave! No conversation was needed at all, at least, that's what you wanted.

"Excuse me, but who are you? We would like to speak with you for just a moment. It will only take a short amount of time," Naoto yelled out, but no voice was heard. She began to slowly take out her notepad and pen while dropping her gun to kick it towards Yu to hold. She began to write furiously while Yosuke looked at you with curious eyes. Yu went beside Naoto and Yosuke as well, along with Yukiko too. You decided that enough was enough and that it was time to go home. You ran away from them as fast as you could, your delicate legs moving swiftly and silently. 

"Wait! I haven't even said thank you!" Yosuke shouted out. He began to run after the you but Yu held him back. 

"It's fine. We probably couldn't catch up with her anyways. But we'll investigate this when we come back, she might live in our town or something," Yu suggested. Yosuke reluctantly agreed, and let out a long sigh. He wanted to thank you for saving him from the shadows in person, and plus, he thought that you were one pretty girl! But he soon realized that he might never see you again. 

Today really wasn't his day. 


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" you shrieked, full of worry and anger. You couldn't believe that you didn't run away once you had the chance to avoid any confrontation. Being socially awkward was definitely a factor to you acting like this, which is, well, basically you in every social interaction.  

'I just hope I don't see them around.' You let out a groan and decided to go back home and began to go through the TV. You put your feet in first, then let your whole body to go through the cube-shaped appliance. After a few seconds, you ended up at Junes and fortunately no one was around the electronics section of the store. Stealthily and quickly, you scurried away from the aisles and exited the store to be greeted with an empty street. It was nighttime after all, and the only people around were old couples walking around and a familiar looking detective. 

"Guess it's time to go home," you mumbled to yourself. You trudged along the way home, tired from the events that took place today. Perhaps a good night's sleep would make you feel better. 


Yosuke placed his head on his arms and closed his eyes. The teacher for today's class was talking non-stop about boring things and he didn't get much sleep last night, so his sleepiness increased tenfold. Yu took notice of this and decided to leave him be while Chie scoffed at him.

"He's still hung up one that girl! Like he'd ever have any chances with her," she huffed out. Yu chuckled quietly. 

"Just leave him alone, Chie. It's much more fun to tease him when he's fully awake," he whispered. 

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