The sun was hidden behind fog and clouds, it began to sprinkle. He took a moment to take in the scenery, a small, endearing town, and a beautiful Church. He smiled a bit, but the smile faded when he felt an uneasiness, he looked around him, but no one was watching him. He brushed it off, and walked to the Church, and waited for Emelia. 

When the bell tolled, the parishioners all began to descend the stairs of the ornate building, among them was Emelia, who stopped to talk to Charlie, she gave him a hug and they talked a moment before she looked and saw Henry waiting for her. She took him in, disheveled hair, coat, leaning against a post with his arms crossed. She felt her face redden and she looked back to Charlie, "I'll see you later for drinks, yeah?" She asked, he smiled and nodded. Nudging her to go with her lover. 

She skipped down the steps and up to Henry, "Hello darling." He greeted and kissed her knuckles, she smiled and hugged him. "I feel so much better, lighter even." She said and took his hand as they began to walk. "So, what did you do while I was away?" She asked, "Oh, just did a but of light reading." He replied with a smile.  Emelia hummed in response and took her hand from Henry's and instead took his arm.

They stopped for a bite to eat, and something to drink, after that Emelia showed Henry her favorite places in town. The last place they went was Emelia's very favorite. It was a cliff overlooking a valley, the cliff was a good thirty feet above it, a bit scary but not too bad. It started raining more and they were about to leave and go back to the house, but when they turned around, there were four vampires standing there. 

"Henry, you denied the call to come back to the Union when we urgently requested you." One of them said, "Because I just so happen to be busy, sorry I'm not your bitch but I have things to do." He replied, "More like you have someone to do." the same younger one snarkily retorted. "Watch your mouth!" Henry yelled, "Wait, Henry, don't tell me you claimed a human girl? She's only going to die, and she's much too young for you, far too beautiful." The first one said. 

"What do you want?" Henry asked, clearly getting annoyed. "We need you back at the base, now." one said, "And I am needed here, and I'm clearly of higher seniority than you all, so I don't think you can order me around." He replied, taking a defensive stance. 

"Very well, then we'll have to teach you a lesson." said the youngest vampire. He quickly ran towards Emelia, she took out her pistol and shot him, two of the others went to Henry, one stayed behind. Emelia wrestled with the youngest and managed to grab her boot knife and stab him through the eye, killing him instantly. Henry was pinned down the the other two, while the first stood menacingly. He slowly made his way to Emelia as she reloaded her gun quickly.

As she was about to take aim at one of the vampires after Henry, she was grabbed by the eldest of the vampires. She struggled and managed to stab him, but only got a good punch to the face in return. Henry was too busy with the two he didn't notice, until he heard a shrill scream. His head snapped in the direction of the sound, Emelia was being suspended by her collar over the cliff, the vampire ready to drop her at any time. 

"Now, Henry, if you promise to come with us, and leave this bitch, we'll let her live." He said, Henry struggled more, fear taking over his body. "Please, no!" He yelled, pushing the two vampires off him, he rushed forward, the vampire smirked and let go. "Henry!" Emelia screamed. He tried to hurry and grab her, maybe he could save her. He was too late. She dropped into the valley. Henry then felt the fear replaced by anger, he turned and screamed in an animalistic manner and grabbed the two vampires that had him, and ripped off their heads. 

The other, only smiled and left. Henry let him go, he didn't care. He quickly descended the cliff and hurried to Emelia, who was barely breathing. 'Emelia? Emelia?" Henry pleaded, "Oh this is all my fault, I should have just gone, no no no, you can't leave me love." He begged, "Henry" She croaked, "Don't...blame yourself." She struggled to say, "Don't live your life in grief...and I did." her voice cracked, and her breathing was slowing. 

"Henry, live." was the last thing she said, and her heart stopped, her eyes glazed over and lifeless. "Emelia?....Emelia?" Henry cried, tears falling from his eyes, he felt his heart breaking. "Emelia, please no, don't leave me please, please darling I need you, come back..." He pleaded, he screamed out in anguish. 

He held her lifeless body close to his, tears falling on her bloodied face. "Emelia, please, please I need you, I love you." He cried. He suddenly looked up, remembering what he could do. While a vampire wasn't supposed to turn a human, or bring them back for that matter, they could. He already broke two laws of the union, why not another? Right?

He knew Emelia hated vampires, aside from him of course, she would never want to be what he is, she would never want to be a monster, the same that killed her parents. But Henry was selfish, he needed her in his life, he had seen too many lovers fade away, he wasn't about ready to let the only one that truly loved him back, since Edava, die now. He felt more tears fall and began apologizing. 

He bit into her neck, and stayed there until he felt the jolt of undead life coming back to her. His fangs went back in and he picked her up, taking her back to the house. He laid her in her old bed, and waited. Soon the night terrors and screaming and pain would come, but he would be there for it all. He replayed her words in his head, "Henry, Live." 

He wasn't sure if this would work, seeing as he'd never done it before. But it was worth a shot for the woman he loved. He would spend his cursed eternity with her. And she with him. He sat with his head in his hands, almost regretting what he'd done, he was so selfish. But he knew after her he wouldn't be able to live without her by his side, making snarky comments and dirty jokes. He wouldn't be able to live without her cuddling closer, though he held no body warmth. 

Henry truly needed her now. He only hoped she wouldn't kill him when, and if, she awoke. He replayed the moment she fell in his head over and over, the look of terror on her face, the way she screamed, it was imprinted in his mind. He would have to suffer and wait until she awoke.

To Be Continued***


A/N: WOW! She's dead! Well, kinda. Hope you enjoyed this angst and sadness, this took a long time to write and I really have to pee! Alright, until the next chapter! Enjoy! ~Emilypeej

 Hope you enjoyed this angst and sadness, this took a long time to write and I really have to pee! Alright, until the next chapter! Enjoy! ~Emilypeej

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               ALSO!! Look at these cuties!! Shane is so cute I love him!!!!! <3

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