Chapter 1: Doing My Best

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Alya was in class, cutting the face off of a picture of the famous performer, Ladybug. Alya was humming a tune of a song she was trying to perfect. She then held the picture up and looked through the hole to see if anyone in sight was her idol.

"Now this week we will be singing songs that we hope to- Alya?" Madam B stopped suddenly once she saw what Alya was doing.

Alya quickly put the picture in her bag and smiled innocently.

"Is Marinette still in the girls room?"

"Uh, I don't know Madam B," Alya answered.

The bell rang and everyone stood up. Madam B stood by the door and handed out sheet music for inspiration.

"The assignment is on the top of each sheet." Madam B then handed two packs to Alya. "Please make sure Marinette gets her homework."

Alya nodded and left the classroom on her way to the locker room. Chloe was there and Alya saw how she grabbed a ladybug print yo-yo out of her locker and into her purse very suspiciously. Alya kept on walking to find Marinette.

"Anyone see Marinette anywhere?" No one knew. She wasn't in the bathroom like they thought she was. Alya did find Nino though.

"Nino, I need you." Alya grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Sure. What for?" Nino was dragged all the way to a bench beside the Seine. "What's going on?"

Alya dialed Marinette's number and as it was ringing, she put a finger on Nino's lips to tell him to hush.

"It's Marinette! Leave a message! Beep!"

Alya got mad at the outgoing and complained, "I hate it when that girl goes AWOL!"

Nino laughed. "Seriously. My dude Adrien is the same way. But I guess you have to keep on your feet when you have Gabriel Agreste as your pops."

An alarm went off on Alya's phone and she opened it up to view what it was.

"Another marvelous performance from Ladybug and Cat Noir from the Miraculous Agency," Nadjia announced on the news. Ladybug and Cat Noir were taking their bows in the background. "Every move in almost perfect sync that leaves all audiences mesmerized. Who could possibly pull these stunning shows? A question everyone is wondering."

Alya looked closely in the background and saw Ladybug's yo-yo in Ladybug's hand. She then had her own epiphany. She gasped. "I think I just found out who the real Ladybug is!" With a sticky note, she placed a note on Marinette's sheet music and then leaned into Nino to whisper her realization. "Chloe!"

Nino looked at Alya and bursted our laughing. "Are you kidding? Chloe is too self absorbed to be nice enough to do everything Ladybug has done so far. You've seen her performances."

"You don't have to believe but you are going to help me prove it." Alya stood up and walked away from Nino. She then whispered to herself, "I'm not incompetent of that am I?"

Little did Nino know, Alya was trying her hardest to hit a note in a certain song. Now this week, they had to sing a song they hope to sing perfectly someday. Alya felt like she couldn't do anything after all the times she tried and failed at the note. If only she could do this. If only she could find out who the Ladybug is, then she wouldn't be as incompetent as she thought.


Ladybug and Cat Noir were out of breath while they did their bows. The entire audience shouted up to them, "Encore!"

"Encore? They want another?" Ladybug asked Cat Noir.

"Why yes, m'lady. We must be that good. Shall we give them what they want?" Cat Noir responded.

Miraculous Musical: Lady WiFiWhere stories live. Discover now