"Sorry..?" I muttered, not really sure what I was apologizing for.

“Why did you have to do that?" Ashley asked, “I know you’re not one for wearing practically nothing, so why?” I could see the jealousy, and disappointment in his eyes. I shrugged. I grabbed my bag and pulled out a random tshirt, when I put my shirt on, I noticed it was one of my many black veil brides shirts.

"I don't know.. I guess I feel comfortable?" I carefully answer trying to choose my words wisely.

“I’m all for you feeling comfortable around us” Ashley said, “but underwear, that’s for my eyes only.”

"I understand, I guess I wasn't thinking clearly. I just ran after Gemma, forgetting that CC was there." I said looking down causing my hair to fall in front of my face. Ashley lifted my chin and tucked my hair behind my ear.

“don’t hide that face,” he said, "and I understand, we all get carried away, but you know how I get when I see you.”

I smiled deviously at the thought. "And that's my fault how?" He grabbed my hand and placed it on the bulge in his shorts. My eyes widen.

“Thats how it’s your fault.” he said. I bite the inside of my lip trying to hold back from attacking him. He just thinks I'm this innocent person that I portray. But he's wrong. My sex drive is probably as high as his. I just don't want to show it to him yet.

"It may be my fault. But it's your problem." I said as I tried to pull my hand away.

“You think I’m gunna let you get away with that?” he breathes against my neck. I quietly gasp as I felt his hand tighten.

"Please?" I smiled as I tried to put on my best innocent face.

“Nah uh,” he breathed as he kissed my neck, nipping occasionally. I closed my eyes as I let out a sigh.

"Oh fuck it." I said. I place my hand on his chest and pushed him down as I layed in top of him and kissed him deeply. With my other hand, I began to stroke his bulge and soon felt it grow more. Ashley groaned and placed his hand underneath the hem of my shirt and swiftly removes my shirt causing our kiss to split for a brief second.

"Hey! What's going on in there?!" CC asked as kicked the side of our tent coincidentally kicking Ashley's side.

“Dude!" he shouted, “fuck off! I don’t disturb you!” I ignored CC and continued on and began to kiss Ashley along his jaw line.

"Isis!" I hear Gemma yell. Shit.. I stop, mid kiss. “Isis, put the Ashley down, and step away from the penis!” I hear CC and Gemma high five for ruining our moment. I groaned as I gently slammed my head into Ashley's chest, frustrated.

"I give up." I mumbled. Ashley stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.

“Soon.” he said, “we’ll have our moment soon, and we can ruin theirs in the process.”

I laughed at the thought. "We might as well get ready to go hiking now. I'm gonna die out there!"

“Couple more minutes,” he said wrapping his arm around me.

"In case I don't survive.." I mumbled.

“Yeah,” he laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe, and fight off the cold and give you energy, if you run out.”

"Gee.. Thanks." I said as I gently poked his bulge and laughed.

“Tease,” he said smiling. We laid in a comfortable silence for a few minutes and suddenly I felt a kick to my side through the tent this time.

The Luck of the Fallen AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now