5. Faith is all we have now

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5. Faith is all we have now

With Bloom and Faragonda

&I am afraid, what if...& Bloom tried to say.

&Bloom, stop saying what if and start saying what about something great happens. Bloom you can do anything amazing.& Faragonda replied smiling

&Now, I don't feel amazing, I feel terrible I can't even move my body, I...I feel like a failure. Look at me? I use to do this great things and now I am laying here, feeling weak.& Bloom replied as tears run down her cheek

&Bloom, now you might feel weak but, that's because you are sick, you need to heal first. Please don't give up hope okay?& Faragonda asked her slowly as Bloom nodded sadly just then the rest walked in and saw Bloom awake.

&Bloom!& They all yelled running to her

&You are awake.& Sky said smiling taking her hand stroking her face

&Hi Sky.& Bloom replied smiling at him

&Guess what Bloom?& Stella yelled as all look at her

&Yes Stella?& Bloom asked smiling

&You need to heal quickly, so we can go on that trip you always wanted to go.&

&What trip?& Riven asked confused as all look at him in agreement

&That shopping trip, Stella wants to go too.& Bloom replied smiling as they all laughed

&So not you but, her?& Aisha asked looking at Nex

&Yeah!& Bloom said as they all laughed, just when they didn't notice Faragonda and Ofelia walked to the door.

&Its great they all come.& Faragonda replied

&Yes, something to keep her mind off things.& Ofelia replied

&I told her but, not everything. I just couldn't.& Faragonda said sadly

&Yeah, its better and that her friends are here to stand her by.& Ofelia said half smiling

&Its all she needs now.& Faragonda said smiling looking at Bloom and the rest smiling


When the time went on, Ofelia decided Bloom needed rest, they all went out and went on with their day.

As the night drove near Daphne arrived and asked Ofelia if she can try and heal Bloom, she have been thinking about it for quite some time now.

Ofelia decided it will be great, Ofelia lead Daphne in, and they both saw Bloom sleeping peacefully.

Ofelia decided Daphne should do the spell now, when Bloom is sleeping and the power are at its powerful point.

Daphne did the spell, and Bloom face gave a smile.

Daphne was so happy so see Bloom smiled she stroke her arms gentley, as she and Ofelia walked out, they talked and later Daphne walked out.

When Ofelia walked past Bloom, Bloom slowly moved her head, which means she is getting slowly better.

The Next morning.

05:00 Ofelia headed back to her office and saw Daphne caning in.

&Hi dear, good to see you, Bloom is doing a little better.& She replied smiling

&That's very good to hear, I am sorry to border to early, can you cheack upon me, I dont feel well this morning?& Daphne asked holding her stomach.

&Sure, follow me.& Ofelia replied worried.

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