8. Hope is returning or fading.

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8. Hope is returning or fading.

At the Gardens of Alfea.

&So your not mad?& Daphne asked looking slowly at her sister

&Mad? Why would I be mad. I am very proud. I am just disappointed that I wound be able to be there all the time. That's all. I am very proud you will be a mom. A great mom.& Bloom said telling the truth and hugging Daphne, it was a great feeling knowing her sister will be a mom real soon.

&Thank you Bloom. It means so much coming from you.& Daphne replied

&Welcome, what did Thoren say?& Bloom asked smiling wondering

&He doesn't know yet, I wanted to tell you first then Thoren and mom and dad.& Daphne said smiling bright

&Then you should tell him.& Bloom replied smiling seeing the sun set, as it get dark

&I better keep going. Let me walk you back.& Daphne replied as they both walked back smiling. 

When they arrived Ofelia saw then and smiled happily.

As Daphne walked out to tell Thoren and her parents about the great news. Bloom went back to bed to rest.

At that night, Bloom couldn't close a eye. Everything was borthering her she need to leave soon when she healed. And that news may come soon. She need to be prepared to say goodbye too the people she love and always will remember,  and for those who she will never see again, she will always have them in her heart.

Memory can last a life time words can't.

The next morning

Bloom woked up and kept staring at the ceiling as Ofelia walked in.

&Good morning dear.&

&Miss, when am I leaving?& Bloom asked wanting to know


&Please, I need to know?&

&Last night, Faragonda and I talked she got an call from Maya she will come and get you tomorrow afternoon. I am sorry dear.& Ofelia said sitting next to her

&I suspect it so soon.& Bloom said looking down

As Ofelia felt she need to leave and gave Bloom sometime.

&Honey, I will be out if you need me.& She replied and walked out

Suddenly Kiko came in, and jumped into the bed onto Bloom shoulder

&Oh Kiko, I will miss you so much.& Bloom said and begin to feel tears as Kiko burried his head into Bloom shoulder

Bloom stood up and walked to the balcony and looked out.

&I will miss this place so much, and the people I love the Winx, guys, my sister and Thoren, my parents and everyone else.& Bloom said looking out as Kiko look up at her.

Just then Sky walked in.

&Hi Bloom.&

&Sky.& Bloom smiled

&Bloom, are you okay?&

&I wish I could say that word?&

&Bloom you shouldn't gave up.&

&I am not gaving up. Its just the things I would miss, the things I will never see, the people I love who I never will feel. Its hard for me, I mean look at us?&

&What do you mean?& Sky asked getting worried hearing that

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