A little extra chapter i forgot

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So do all you guys and girls know what it is like at a funeral? well let's just say awkward because all of you dads and moms friends would come up to you and say sorry for your loss and stuff like that. I would have no idea who half the people were. I knew close friends and family but not everyone (I am horrid with names.) Well have you ever heard of the saying Mourn for a little while then celebrate the happy memories you have when they were alive? well I sort of just made that up, ish. see I don't think loved one want to see you so vulnerable when you cry so try to remember the good times you had and put on a smile. when my daddy died i was only 10 years old, and I had the closest relationship with him. we would do small things like every morning at 7:00 I would go downstairs and watch TV with him until he had to go to work or on Saturdays he would take me with him to go and get breakfast. He was the best dad in the world and no one can tell me any thing else because he was my dad and he loved me and my family very much that is all i can ask for, well maybe a new ipod but still he loved every little bratty moment i had and would wake up in the middle of the night just because I had a nightmare he ate my horrible cooking because he felt bad, now I feel bad because I accidentally made him sick (wrong ingredient, oops). i will always love my dad to Gallifrey and back (high five if you know the tv that is from).

I love you daddy, i always have, and I always will. :)

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