He finds out that you cut : Andy

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You were taking a shower when your boyfriend got home.

"Y/N!" Andy shouted, walking upstairs.

"I'm in the shower give me a minute!" You yelled back, washing the rest of the soap from your body.

You turned off the shower and put a towel around your body, completely forgetting about the cuts that consumed your body.

"Hey. How was work?" You asked grabbing your clothes from the closet.

"It was fine..." He said trailing off.

"What's wrong, baby." You asked dropping your clothes and going over to him.

"Y/N?" He said looking down at you.

"Yes." You said looking into his blue eyes, putting your arms around his waist.

"Why?" He croaked, his eyes tearing up.

"What do you mean?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

He took your hand in his and drew circles on the top of your hand with his thumb. He slowly flipped it over and looked at your wrist.

"Oh." Is all you could breath out before you pulled your hand from his and went into the bathroom, locking the door. You slid down and leaned against the wall, tears falling down your face. You knew he was going to leave you, everyone that found out did.

"Princess?" Andy said, knocking softly on the door.

"I'll just pack my things." You whispered, so quietly that he almost didn't hear it.

"Why would you pack your things?" He asked, now worried that you would leave him.

"Because" You trailed off, getting off of the floor.

It was when you took out your blade that Andy walked into the bathroom, unlocking it somehow. He had tears streaming down his face, messing up his makeup.

"You can't leave me." He said and fell to the floor in a heap. "You can't, you can't, you can't" He said over and over shaking violently with his head in his knees.

"What?" You whispered, afraid that if you talked to loud everything would spill, and you couldn't let him know.

He finally looked up, his eyes were all red, his mouth was trembling, and his jeans were full of the makeup that wiped off his face. "How could you leave me?" He sounded broken, and you weren't even gone...yet.

"Because you don't want me." You said, using all of your force to not cry as you put down your razor.

"But your my everything. I don't care if you cut, we can get through it, I could help you. I love you so much, you can't leave." He said, whispering the last part.


"No buts." He said, finally standing up just to fall back down because he was to weak.

You smiled lightly, remembering all of the fun things you did together and he would always say 'no buts' since you were a scaredy cat and was afraid of everything.

After about 10 minutes, he came up off of the floor and hugged you, whispering in your ear that it was going to be ok.

"I just realized something." You said slightly pulling him away, so you could look in his eyes.


"Well two things." You said looking down.

"Wh-" he cut himself off as he looked down and saw that your towel had fallen off and that this was the first time he was seeing you in all your glory. "Oh my." He said.

You giggled a little when he had a coughing fit and there was an obvious bulge in his pants.

"And you said I love you for the first time." You said, taking his chin and making him look at you in the eyes, not down below...

"Oh uhhh." He said, a little bit of sweat starting to form on his forehead as he tried not looking down.

"I love you too." You said sitting on the counter and kissing him.

He moved in between your legs and put his tongue in your mouth.

After a minute or so you pulled apart in need for breath.

"Andy." You said looking at him.

"Hmmm?" He asked rubbing soothing circles on your cuts.

"Why are you not leaving?"

"Why would I leave?" He answered, smiling a little.

You smiled and pulled him to your lips once again.

"I love you." You whispered on his lips.

"I love you more." He said, looking at your eyes. When you looked at his there was only honesty in them.

"I'm ready." You whispered.

"What?" Andy asked, raising his eyebrow.

You grabbed his hand and led him to the bed.


Hi guys!

I wanted to know if you want it to say you or I?



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