Kissing Your Fear

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I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew it was going to be a dark journey home. I had decided, traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, it seemed like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I had to take a breath due to the stuffy air. The only sound familiar to me was the quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I began to whistle to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. I took a glance around and found myself looking right into a pair of dark, glassy eyes peering at me through the bushes. I knew I was not seeing things at that moment. Were those the evil eyes of a goblin lurking waiting for its next meal? My breath became too rapid for me to be able to whistle. I took a big gulp and decided to step on it and quicken my pace. I would never get home at this rate.

The same moment I decided to quicken my speed, a deer burst through the night. I screamed, stumbled and hit the ground with a loud thump. I sat on the moist ground for a moment to try to recover but my heart began to throb as if it was beating within my throat. It was just a deer I told myself, I had to be brave. Trying to get myself together I began to feel this hot puffs of air on the back of my neck. "It's the goblin!" I screamed as I rapidly rose to my feet. My head spun like an owl as I went to look for what was behind me. I looked at the ground and discovered a little white dog. "You scared me to death little guy. What is a cute little puppy like you doing in a dense forest like this?" I said to him. I was relieved it was only a dog instead of the ghastly goblin, but I only made it halfway home. As I proceeded on, the white little dog followed me. I felt more at ease now that I had him by my side.

Kissing Your FearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz