Chapter Two - Jail Time

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'Sure, I need some company.' I said and she smiled. 

'Also the cell doors open at midnight so I'd sleep now if I were you.' She said. There was a double bed at the far end of the cell. I walked to it, crawled in and fell asleep.

'Hey wake up!' I heard Annabelle yell. I shot up, jumped out of bed and clenched my fists.

'What?' I asked.

'Nothing, five minutes to midnight. Get changed into the clothes on the table.' She said. I got changed into the same clothes as her except a guy’s version I guess. I had a black hood, black long sleeved shirt, black gloves, black pants and black combat boots. I had knives on my boots as well and she handed me a sword. The blade was gold with some inscriptions written on it and it had a dim, golden glow.

'You know how to use one?' She asked.

'Yeah.' I said. It was light-weight and balanced. It had a nice feel to it, like it was made for me.

'Where'd you get this?' I asked.

'Some old lady gave it to me and said give it to a boy named Kypher.' She said.

'It feels perfect for me.' I said.

'OK, this is what's going to happen. Follow me, don't make eye contact with anyone and try not to start trouble.' She said and the cell door opened. I felt my heart started beating faster and I felt terrified. Annabelle started walking and I followed her. I saw a lot of men walking around, some were talking with each other and some just stared at me. I just stared at the back of Annabelle's head and followed her. We got to some sort of shop and we entered.

'Welcome to the shop of magic, how may I be of service?' An old lady asked.

'I need a shield. A magical shield.' Annabelle said and the lady walked away. She came back after ten minutes with a shield. It was gold like my sword, had some inscriptions on it and It had a dim golden glow to it. It moved the fog away and I could see clearly.

'Anything else?' She asked.

'Yeah can you enchant my sword?' I asked.

'I'm sorry dear but it is already enchanted.' She said.

'What do these... letters say?' I asked and gave it to her. She looked at it and handed it back.

'It tells a prophecy of a young man who... never mind, it's just a tale.' She said and I knew she wasn't telling me something.

'When you hold these two, you become a warrior.' She said. I felt my fear disappear and I felt confident. We walked out and I looked around. I saw all the people glance at me then go back to whatever they were doing.

'They seem scared of you.' Annabelle said.

'This is so weird.' I said. We walked back to the cell and the doors closed. I put my sword and shield under the bed and took off my boots. I crawled into bed, faced the cell door and closed my eyes. I felt the bed move and I opened my eyes. Annabelle was in front of me, already asleep. How can I sleep when everything I see, hear or feel frightens me? I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

One week later

I woke up and Annabelle was still asleep. I heard footsteps approaching my cell and I shook her.

'Annabelle.' I whispered. No response.

'Annabelle wake up.' I said a little louder. Still nothing. I slapped her cheek and she woke up. The cell door opened and she shot out of bed. I grabbed my sword and shield and she held her knives. A man walked in and he raised his hands up.

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