What's happening?

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I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is a tiled ceiling, it's not white, but rather light-blue. I feel that I am laying down on a bed, with a blanket on top of me. The bed is a little hard, but I don't feel like getting up from here. I hear muffled voices like they are coming from another room or from the other side of a wall. 

I try to heave myself up on my elbows, to see better, what's around me. As I try to move my hand, I feel something heavy on it. It's not so heavy that I couldn't lift it, but I don't know what it is. I try to raise my head to see what it is on my hand, but a slash of pain goes right through me when I move, so I guess it's better to stay put. 

I exert my eyes to look downwards and all I see is a white bandage. I fear I don't have a hand anymore, so I desperately try to move it. A slash of pain, this time stronger than before, makes me groan. Despite the pain, I can see a white cast moving, which means I have broken my arm, but it is still attached. A sigh of relief escapes my lips and my pounding heart slows down a bit.

I turn my head on my pillow and see a wall. Right beside my bed is a commode with many small drawers. On the blueish commode, I see some tools and cans and bottles. It seems a bit strange so I quickly (as quickly as possible without screaming) turn to the other side. I see a transparent wire with some dark liquid flowing through it slowly. I follow the wire with my eyes and all becomes clear - it's a drip, I'm in a hospital! All makes sense now and I have so many questions! Why am I here? When did I get here? How badly am I hurt? Where is this hospital located? How did I get here?

My mind races with new thoughts and I feel a little dizzy, then someone pulls the curtain open right by my bed. It startles me and I try to rise up instinctively, but I'm greeted with another stroke of pain and it makes me groan out loud.

"Oh, you're awake, I thought I heard shuffling," says a dark-haired woman, who has just peeked from behind the curtains, "so, how are you feeling?"

I don't trust her so I decide to stay quiet for now and see if she gives any information to me first.

"Can you tell me your name?" the woman asks without missing a beat.

"I... I'm uh..." what the heck?! I can't even remember my own name??  "I'm Leo, Leo-Emil Marzell" Yes! I'm not going crazy!!

"All right Leo, do you remember anything from what happened? Anything at all?" She is now standing beside my chest and I slowly start trusting her.

... I think really hard for a second, but nothing comes to mind.

"No, can you tell me where I am?" I ask in hopes of getting an answer.

"You're in Tokyo's Central Hospital's emergency department. You have fractured your wrist, so it's in a cast and you have multiple small bruises and scratches, but other than that you are physically fine. Can you tell me about yourself? Where you live or do you have any siblings?"

Huh, so we're playing questions and answers, are we? Okay, I'll play along as long as I get the info I need. But now that I think about it, I have no memories what-so-ever about my life. I only know my name and... that's it! 

"I can't remember anything! What do I do? What should I do? Please, tell me what's going on!" I have no idea of who I was before today, but I can certainly say that I have never experienced such fear.

"Calm down, it'll come back eventually. I'll check in on you again in a few hours, you try to remember something, anything about yourself, okay?"

She goes away without waiting for an answer and I am left alone with this terrible fear of unknown.

Okay, what do I know? I know that I am in great pain and I am injured, so it is good to be in a hospital, I won't worry about that. I know that my name is Leo-Emil Marzell and I am 17 years old. I am in Tokyo, so that must mean... Japan? Oh, good! At least I remember geography! Where did I learn it? In school. Who taught it to me? ... I do not know. 

I realise I remember facts, but no faces, no names, no feelings, no... nothing.


Hey! I'm Cathy and this is my second attempt on writing a story. It will be based on Kuroko no Basuke's anime characters and somewhat on the storyline, but from Leo's point of view. This chapter is written on personal experiences ((spoiler)I gained my memory in few hours, but Leo will not) and I borrowed something from James Dashner's book series "The Maze Runner". Let's see how far I will get with this story and I hope you, who reads it, will leave a comment with your thoughts! 😄

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