"Ready!" The Doctor said and plunged his Sonic Screwdriver into the control unit

"On my count, then. God be with us all. Three, two, one, fire!" Octavian said and the Doctor sonicked the box making the lights go out and the clerics began firing, giving a bit of light,

"Turn!" The Doctor yelled and Amy and Alyssa started turning the wheel and it started opening,

"Doctor, it's opening. It's working." Amy said, as the Bulkhead opened enough so that they go through,

"Fall back!" The Doctor yelled and everyone ran through the door and the Doctor is the last on through and the door closed again, and the group ran down and to where a door was and the Doctor sonicked the door open and the group went through.

"Doctor, quickly." River said,as the Doctor hadn't gone through yet

"Doctor!" Amy yelled and he dodges inside right before the door closed, and pulled Alyssa to the controls.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked Octavian as he put a device on the door and the wheel stopped turning

"Magnetized the door. Nothing could turn that wheel now." Octavian said,

"Wanna bet?" Alyssa said, looking up from the controls and the wheel started turning once again,

"Dear God!"
"Ah, now you're getting it. You've bought us time though. That's good. I am good with time."

"Doctor." Amy said as another wheel on the right door started turning,

"Seal that door. Seal it now." Octavian said, and one of his Clerics did exactly that,

"We're surrounded." River said, and the left door's wheel started turning

"Seal it. Seal that door." Octavian said one of his clerics did it again and Octavian walked over to Doctor and asked, "how long have we got?"

"Five minutes, max." the Doctor said, Alyssa sighed

"Nine." She looked up at the Doctor who repeated


"Five. Right. Yeah." Alyssa said,

"Why'd you say nine?"

"I said Nine?" The Doctor looked up at her confused and opened his mouth to say something

"We need another way out of here." River said

"There isn't one."

"There is always a way out," Alyssa said,

"Yeah, there is. Course there is. This is a galaxy class ship. Goes for years between planet falls. So, what do they need?" The Doctor asked, Alyssa smiled at him

"Of course." River said

"Of course what? What do they need?" Amy asked, not getting what everyone else was getting.

"Can we get in there?" Octavian said,

"Well, it's a sealed unit, but they must have installed it somehow. This whole wall should slide up." he said touching a wall that was behind the controls and looked around for a way to open it and said "There's clamps. Release the clamps." and the others started to do exactly that,

"What's through there? What do they need?" Amy said,

"They need a way to breathe," Alyssa said, as the wall slides up and reveals a forest.

"But that's. That's a." Amy said in awe,"

It's an oxygen factory." River said,

"A forest that's an oxygen factory," Alyssa said, and the Doctor added, "And if we're lucky an escape route."

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