The Unicorn and the Wasp

Start from the beginning

"Very well." A footman came behind them and offered Roger a drink

"Your usual, sir?" he said,

"Ah. Thank you, Davenport. Just how I like it." Rodger said and took the drinking giving Davenport a look.

"How come she's an Eddison, but her husband and son are Curbishleys?" Donna asked as she watched Lady Eddison talk to her husband

"The Eddison title descends through her. One day Roger will be a lord." The Doctor said as the someone else joined the Party

"Robina Redmond." the announcer said, who was a woman wearing a dark red dress

"She's the absolute hit of the social scene. A must. Miss Redmond." Lady Eddison said as Robina reached her

"Spiffing to meet you, at last, my lady. What super fun." Miss Redmond saidm and another person came to the party

"Reverend Arnold Golightly." one footman said introducing him to the other guests.

"Ah, Reverend. How are you? I heard about the church last Thursday night. Those ruffians breaking in." Lady Eddison said as he reached her,

"You apprehended them, I hear." Hugh said,

"As the Christian Fathers taught me, we must forgive them their trespasses. Quite literally." the Reverend said,

"Some of these young boys deserve a decent thrashing." Roger said, shocking Donna as Davenport came up behind him

"Couldn't agree more, sir." Davenport said,

"Typical. All the decent men are on the other bus." Donna said, to the Doctor

"Or Time Lords." The Doctor said,

"Now, my lady. What about this special guest you promised us?" Roger said

"Here she is. A lady who needs no introduction." Lady Eddison as a new women came in and the others applauded her

"No, no, please, don't. Thank you, Lady Eddison. Honestly, there's no need." She said, She then turned to the Doctor, Donna, and Alyssa and held out her hand "Agatha Christie." The Doctor grinned at her,

"Oh it's wonderful to meet you. I love your work." Alyssa said, Agatha smiled at Alyssa and her gaze turned to Donna

"What about her?" Donna said

"That's me," Agatha said

"No. You're kidding." Donna said, shocked that she was speaking to Agatha Christie

"Agatha Christie. I was just talking about you the other day. I said I bet she's brilliant. I'm the Doctor. This is Donna. Oh, I love your stuff. What a mind. You fool me every time. Well, almost every time. Well, once or twice. Well, once. But it was a good once." The Doctor said, smiling brightly at her

"You make a rather unusual couple, one of you is from America and the other from here?" Agatha said gesturing to Alyssa and the Doctor, The Doctor beamed at Agatha, and threw his arm around Alyssa

"We're not married," Alyssa said The Doctor squeezed her shoulders hard making her glare up at him

"She doesn't like talking about it." The Doctor said,

"Well, obviously not. She's not wearing a wedding ring."

"Oh. Oh, you don't miss a trick." The Doctor said, taking his arm off of Alyssa's shoulder and taking her hand.

"Mrs. Christie, I'm so glad you could come. I'm one of your greatest followers. I've read all six of your books. Er, is, er, Mister Christie not joining us?" Lady Eddison said, taking Agatha's attention away from the two. Alyssa looked up at the Doctor and smacked the back of his head hard. He let out a yelp of pain and rubbed it

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