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Something's wrong.

He feels it in his bones.

Something's wrong.

He creeps forwards, light dim overhead.

Something is wrong.

The bowl of the sink is faintly stained while his hands grip only white porcelain.


His breathing quivers. Red drips into the basin below, splattering against the stains. A mirror hangs before him.


He doesn't look.


But he doesn't have to.

That something breathes down his neck, the air warm and moist against his skin. Sean breathes in tandem with it. Against his will.

Slowly, against better judgement, he looks up and sees the red staining his lips and chin as it streams from his nose. He sees his own blue eyes, bloodshot and rimmed with dark circles. But he only lingers on these things for a few moments. Just a few.

It's the black eyes that he focuses on; they stare at him from behind, cold and unfeeling. As he stares into that gaze, something icy cold grips his chest. His breathing shudders. It's suffocating.

His legs buckle out from under him and he hits the floor.

Just before he passes out a distorted laugh, his laugh, echoes in his head.

Darkness consumes him.


AN: This was a fanfic that I wrote for someone on Ao3. I have no idea if they have a Wattpad or not! But I wanted to upload it multiple places so here we are. Hope everyone enjoys! I will finish this one, but I can't guarantee a strict uploading schedule. Life's a bit hectic haha and I'm autistic so energy is not always fully there.

Also I haven't actually used Wattpad in a very long time. So apologies. 

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