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My mechanical pencil stays frozen over the blank sheet of notebook paper as my teacher's voice buzzes in my ears. My mind goes in and out of focus, random thoughts whizzed through my head. Just as I was about to plunge into one of my day dreams completely a loud bang jolts me back to the real world.

I look around the classroom, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I search for the cause of the sudden noise. That's when my eyes finally spot a pink figure standing in front of the classroom door.

Storm Winters had her arms crossed as she casually stood in the doorway of the class. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders like a pink waterfall as she scanned the classroom for an empty seat.

Storm, as usual, was tarty to second period, which to me was no big deal.

But the teacher didn't agree.

"Miss Winters would you care to explain why you are late?" Miss Waller asks, glaring at Storm. Her thin wired classes hung off the crooked bridge of her nose as she angrily shook her head in disapproval.

Everything in the classroom stops as the whole class watches the exchange, waiting for Storm's reply.

"Dunno, just am." Storm said with a casual shrug as she makes way deeper into the classroom.

"That is not an acceptable answer Miss Winters" Miss Waller huffs, narrowing her green eyes at Storm and making her crows feet stand out even more.

"Oh piss off" Storm sighs, rolling her eyes in obvious annoyance. She takes a seat next to a girl with platinum blonde hair.

Miss Waller's jaw drops in shock before she quickly screeches, "to the principal!"

Storm grits her teeth in annoyance as she stands from her seat. "Anywhere is better than here you old witch." Storm mutters angrily as she storms out of the classroom with a trail of smoke in her wake.

The door slams behind her and everyone immediately goes back to writing notes as if nothing happened. I silently sigh to myself as I rest my cheek in the palm of my hand. Instead of surrounding myself in my usual daydream of random food combinations memories fill my head.

Memories of when Storm wasn't like she is now. When she dressed in all pink and wore her brunette hair in two pig tails. Back then she was always smiling and making others laugh alongside her. She bubbled with happiness and was always kind.

It's been years since anyone's seen her genuinely smile, or do anything kind without a favor in return. Storm now had the reputation of a delinquent with a serious need for speed.

I couldn't help but wonder what happened to make her change so drastically.


The bell rings signaling the end of fourth period and the beginning of first lunch. I sloppily shove all my papers into my bag before walking out into the crowded hallway. I search for my short best friend and her less short boyfriend as I walk. As I come up to the end of the hallway, right before it meets the main hall I see said best friend whacking her boyfriend's forearm with a book.

I smile softly to myself and start walking towards them.

"Hey Kay" I greet as I stop right in front of her.

"Hey G, tell Josh to stop stealing my books!" She huffs, glaring daggers at her boyfriend of two years.

He chuckled "G tell Kay that she's so adorable when she's mad."

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