Part 2

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Logan walked down the pavement with a bit of a skip in his step. He stepped in time to the music which was playing in his ears. He found himself in the city. I was early so hardly anyone was around. Logan walked through the doors of the college and made his way to his class.

I the lesson they were talking about advertising. The teacher handed out a series of different posters. Logan read through his, it was an NHS poster about dementia. He looked at all the facts and symptoms and realised that this is exactly how his dad is.

He then got a phone call, it was Natasha.

"Hey, are you ok?" Logan said

"Dad's going mad, he's cornered Sofia. It's like he doesn't know who she is, I can't stop him" Natasha panicked

"I'm on my way, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Logan hang up

He went to his teacher an explained what had happened, he was allowed to go. Logan ran back through the city. He jumped the gate and burst through the front door.

"Dad?" He said as he paused seeing Sofia in the corner and Natasha crying in the stairs, his dad turned around

"Dad, that's Sofia. Your daughter, my sister" Logan held on to his dad hands so he couldn't lash out

Sofia ran to the stairs to be with Natasha.

"Thank you Logan" she whimpered

Logan smiled then sat his dad down in his chair. He walked towards the stairs where his sisters were still sat.

"I think we will have to take him to the hospital" Logan told them

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sofia asked

"Yeah" Logan frowned

"He was scary" Natasha trembled

"I know" Logan hugged her, "I'll get an ambulance"

"Ok" Sofia nodded

"He'll be ok" Logan smiled

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