Don't tell me you like this little girl

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    I'm confused,we all look at each other with a concern look just before "lady" reveals her black eyes,than hit me so I passed out.I woke up in a weird room,tied up.I was the first on to wake up "Guys?Guys,are you okay?GUYS!" I shout so the boys could hear me and eventually wake up.-What?Where are we...?- Dean says confused. "Sam!SAM!WAKE UP!" "Yeah...What happen?" The boys were in front of me,and that let me the only one in this part of the room...something is not right...What had Abbadon in mind?Talking about the devil...And here she comes with two of her demon puppies "'re awake(said looking at the boys),and you too!Sam,Dean,who is she?Your bitch?" SHE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT "I think the only bitch in this room is you!" I say looking and sounding pissed. "Oh,and she has a voice,let's turn that off fir a little bit,shall we!?" I try to speak but my words just won't come out.It's settled,I hate her! "What did you do to her?" Sam says confused "What I said,I turned her voice down just so we could talk in peace and so when I'll torture her she won't be screaming,I don't like screaming bitches." "Don't even dare to touch her!" Dean says trying to move out off hid chair. "Oh darling,don't tell me you love this little girl." Abbadon says while Dean remains silent. "So you do!Perfect!If you love her you will talk,because if not she will suffer." I'm looking at Dean...could kt be true?I mean,I don't think so,he didn't show any sign,in fact,he was too preoccupied being overprotective rather than showing something...Do I love him...?I don't know,I always had something for him but I didn't think about it and like this it was ok.Even if we like each other we can't be together,it's too dangerous. "You know we won't tell you a thing! Sam says confident. "Alright then,you can enjoy your little friend right here  suffering.Now tell me," Abbadon says while putting a knife on my face and gently pushing it into my skin,just so it won't really make a wound. "We don't know!" Says Dean. "LIES!" "We really don't know!He just vanished!You know how Crowley is,he vanishes thinking his next move,maybe building a demon army against you,I don't know." Says Sam looking right into Abbadon's eyes.She stays right where she was for a second and then she cuts me on my arm. "Answer one more question wrong and she will have a cut in those pretty legs,and then stomach...back...even neck!Actually,you know what it would be more fun?Asking her some questions!" I feel my voice recover "Thanks for the cut!It's lovely!" I said making a bitch face "Isn't it?Now,answer the question.Let's see if you're smarter then the boys.Where is Crowley?" I saw Dean looking at me confused.Is he worrying that I might actually tell the truth?No worries! "Honestly,I don't know.Why?Are you worried he will use the element of surprise o n you!You can't be one step ahead every time,you know." I smirked at her and she was really pissed. "I am always one step ahead,but where is this sass coming from?Do you really want to end up dead?" "Bite me!" She then bitch slapped me "Really?Is that all you got?I'm sorry girl but you gotta step up your game if you want to fight with me!" Both of the boys saw that I was provoking her and they both looked at me like "What are you doing?".On the other hand,Abbadon hearing that stabbed me in my leg.I screamed in pain.Yay,thank I have a whole in my leg... "Hey,if you want to stab someone,stab me!" Said Dean worried. "It's...It's okay Dean...I can take it..." I say trying to hide my pain. "See?She's a big girl!Let's try another question..." She get's interrupted by the sound of a demon dying and then Cas gets through the door.He saw the blood coming out of my leg and arm and in the next second he was fighting Abbadon.Her puppies tried to stop him but they were dead the moment they tried to touch Cas. This time Sam finally untied himself an chose a perfect moment to grab his machete and cut off Abbadon's head.That didn't killed her but it gave us time to get out of there.Sam set's Dean free while Cas is healing me.Dean came immediately as he got off the chair "Are you alright?" "Yeah,it doesn't matter.Now let's get out of here before miss evil regenerates" "Yeah,and let's try to find another motel!" Said Sam looking at Abbadon's body. "Good idea!Cas,how do we get out of here? Said Dean scanning the room. "It's not that hard.But after we get out of this building there are some huge woods..." "How lovely..." I said getting off the chair. "Yeah but you can teleport us back in the city...right?" Said Dean hoping for a good response. "About that..." "What?" Said Dean concerned "Couple of days ago some angels attacked me and I'm too weak to teleport you guys...We gotta walk,I'm sorry..." Says Cas looking at Dean "Really Cas!?"

    This is the second chapter,hope you like it.

Say you don't love me(Sam and Dean Winchester Fanficion)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon