25: Reward

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"I have to become vampire?" Cam squawked.

Shrugging, Rick nodded. "It's not too bad. The pain is...well, I won't tell you about the pain."

"What about it?"

"That is not something to worry about until it's in the works," he said. "Trust me."

Her face must have been stretched in horror because he rubbed a finger tenderly along her cheek. She shied away again.

"You're going to learn to trust me, Camila," he said, crimson eyes seeming transparent with earnestness. "I'm your only ally here."

She didn't think she could trust any of them and his geniality hadn't yet convinced her he was completely trustworthy. Even if he had been opposed to her capture and torment, he didn't stop it. He was a coward. Cowards were not reliable allies.

"Why do I have to become a vampire?" Cam inquired.

"Because then Steph will have no choice but to accept you into the coven. You could no longer be her blood bag. Instead, you would be part of us and we always take care of our own."

"She has a plan for me," she said. "You have to know what that is. You have to know she's too tenacious to just let me into your cool kids club just because I'm a vampire."

Rick rolled his eyes. "See, you aren't trusting me. I know Steph better than you ever will. She's my sister. A possessive bitch, certainly, but she's also a strategist. I don't know what her plans are but I know it won't work unless you're human."

"You'll have to do a lot more than talk to make me trust you."

"Camila..." he drawled with a deep breath. "I can't do much for you right now. Your freedom is going to be a process. I told you it would be hard, but it's not impossible."

"Then prove it to me that you aren't like the others," she insisted.

"And how do you suggest I do that?"

"Let me out of these ropes. And give me something decent to eat."

Another smile curled at his lips. Rick brushed the stray hairs out of her face. "Soon. For now, you must be patient. I have to go before she returns. Get some rest."


A few hours after Rick left, Steph paid Cam a visit. She brought with her a tray of soup and a roll of bread. To Cam's relief, she was released from her bindings to feed herself and use the bathroom.

"How are you today?" Steph asked once she returned to sit in the feeding chair.

Cam couldn't help but return the red orbs with a blank look.

"Don't be shy," she said. "Are you feeling weak at all? Or sad? Or content?"

"Not content," Cam muttered under her breath.

Of course, nothing missed the vampire's sensitive ears.

"Why aren't you content?" drawled Steph with pouty lips.

"Because..." She didn't want to continue. This just had to be a trap. But Steph wouldn't quit staring at her so she knew she had to finish it. "I'm being held against my will. I'm strapped to a metal table all damn day. I get fed whenever my captors remember to feed me, but what they give me is barely enough to survive. I'm bitten daily and my blood is sucked out of my own body. More than anything, I'm taunted and guilted for something I didn't do."

Tapping her chin, Steph nodded. "Would you be more content if I brought in cushions for the table and found something more edible for you to eat?"

Cam nodded. She felt immense regret. Somehow, she would be punished for speaking against their treatment of her. Steph was malicious like that.

"Alright." The vampire smiled and headed to the door. "I'll be back, my delicious little sweet."

Though she didn't realize it for several seconds after being left alone, Cam scratched the side of her face and found her hands unbound. She jumped out of the chair. Her body trembled from excitement and freedom. As any tempted captive would, her first thought was to charge the door and try to escape. Cam however stopped herself. It was another trap. Steph was testing her mightily today and maybe it was because she knew about Rick.

Cam's stomach knotted at the idea of Steph knowing what Rick said. If she knew what Rick had planned, she would probably drain Cam dry. So she squeezed her eyes closed, took a deep breath, and returned to the chair. Rick had one thing right: she needed patience.

Fifteen or twenty minutes later, Steph returned with Calvin. The door pushed open and Cam lifted her face from where she still sat in the chair. Both vampires were using their hands to carry in a twin-sized mattress. Cam's jaw dropped when she realized what it was.

"Your reward for being a good little blood slave," Steph told her with a grin. "This came from the attic so you might have to fight the spiders for it. But at least now you have a bed, my darling."

"Th-thank you."

They placed the mattress down against the back wall. Calvin wiped his hands on his jeans and began to eye his prey. Without even being aware of it, Cam pressed a hand to the side of her abused neck. It was ridged with healed bite marks and scar tissue but the skin and muscle weren't sensitive at all. After all the pain she'd endured, this surprised her.

"No feeding tonight," Steph warned him. "She behaved exceptionally well and deserves a break. Brother, why don't you go find us an old lady to eat?"

Calvin cut his eyes at his sibling before leaving through the ajar door. The familiar bead of anxiety took root in Cam's stomach from being alone with Steph.

"Now, my sweet." The said vampire came to crouch in front of her. "You have a bed and I will work on getting you better food. I have given you something nice and I expect more loyalty and compliance in return. This is how our relationship can be if you do as you're supposed to. Gradually, I will reward you and you will learn to appreciate what we have done for you here."

When Cam didn't verbally respond, Steph stood back up and moved closer. She gently cupped a hand to the human's jaw.

"Okay?" she pressed.

Cam simply nodded again. Now more than ever, she wanted to get away from here. As Steph left, locking the door behind her, Cam began to wonder if giving Rick a chance would really be that terrible of a risk. Besides, her options weren't exactly various.

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