Chapter 13//Safety Pin

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Michael's P.O.V

After the fight last night Crystal, Luke, and I took Mena to the hospital, leaving the party right after I yelled at Ash and Cal.

"Mr.Clifford, her stitches are finished. She'll just have a minor scar, but she's alright." The nurse smiled.

Mena walked out from behind her with an extremely tired look. I wouldn't blame her, it was almost 4 am by the time we got home.

"Mena," I said as we walked through the door.

"Michael, I'm fine. I don't need your help." She snapped obviously sensing my upcoming big brother (only by 3 minutes) lecture.

Crystal shut the door quietly behind her, wrapping an arm around my waist. I looked over with a frown and she patted my back before walking into the kitchen of our house we had bought since the band was on break.

"A lot happened tonight Mike. Give her some space she's probably really confused right now." She said making me shrug.

I hated seeing her like this, and I also couldn't help but hate Calum and Ashton for even fighting in the first place. All because they have feelings for my sister. Gross! But I can't do anything about it except kick their asses for kissing her then chew Calum out for punching her, giving her a scar.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and the faint sound of the piano coming from my music room down the hall. Crys was at work and Mena was in the music room.

Our music room is the place where Mena and I go to relieve stress through playing the guitar, piano, drums, bass, and through singing too, so I could understand why she was in there.

Mena lived with me and Crys while she looks for a better job and apartment. But since she's Crystal's bestfriend and my sister we are in no hurry for her to leave. Every day seemed like a party since the boys would come over all the time...but not today.

I rolled off the bed, got a bowl of cereal and made my way t the music room, leaning against the door frame watching Mena scribble lyrics in a note book. Her fingers pressed down on various keys making a beautiful chorus, but I couldn't recognize the tune.

"Living our lives...
Dancing on empty wallets,
Spend it all on you.
Spend it all on you.
Until we die...
Dancing on empty wallets."

Mena's voice was an amazing mixture between Hayley Williams and Rita Ora. But she has major stage fright so she barely sang unless in the shower or home alone I assume. Both me and the boys agree she's making and playing music. She can play the piano, drums, guitar, and even writes bits and pieces of songs.

"Wow! How long have you been working on that?" I asked.

Mena quickly slammed her notebook shut, turning to me with rosy cheeks.

"Um, just started this morning but I'm not really liking it." She replied.

"Oh, it's really good." I came in and sat down on the box drum, facing her. "How's your cheek?"

She raked her fingers through her hair, brushing it over to one side so her red and blue tips meshed together.

"Its better now after I took a few tylenol this morning."

Mena was obviously fucked up after last night. Her two bestfriends turned on eachother. and she got caught in it all. The worst part was when she had things on her mind she would turn to them for help.

"Mena, will you tell me what's been going on with you?" I finally asked after being kept in the dark for almost 4 months.

She hesitated but explained everything. Her kiss with Ashton by the pool, and the connection they made that night. Her kiss with Calum that confused her feelings for Ashton. How it all affected her for so long while both boys had feelings for her, fighting eachother for her affection.

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