Shopkeeper:" Way back, huh? So, he's a friend of yours."

Qrow:" Hm, yeah I'd say so. He's a pretty alright guy."

Shopkeeper:" Well, in that case...You tell that jerk that he better not show his ugly face in here until he pays me the Lien he owes me!"

Qrow:" Uh, did I say friend? I, uh-I mean acquaintance.....Really, we're just colleagues. Anyways, thanks for your time, buddy. I'll just be taking off now."

After he gets out, Qrow takes out his scroll and looks at the list of huntsmen he needs to protect Haven. On top is Shiro, but that name gets crossed off just a second later.

Qrow:"*sigh* Great start."

And then the same knife the shopkeeper had in his hand before sticks through the door close to Qrow's head. A short shock and a moment later, Qrow makes his way through the city, trying to find the people he has on his list, asking around. But his efforts are mostly in vain as he sighs and struggles to find anyone. The last for now is a house that looks like it has seen some things over a certain amount of time. Qrow looks at his device again and repeats the name of one of his last acquaintances.

Qrow:" Heather Shields."

Then he knocks on the door as three kids run away and leave the man confused. He repeats the same things, only with stronger strikes and now the door opens to reveal a young man.

Qrow:" Uh, hey there. I'm looking for Heather. Look, pal. I've had a rough day. Do you know where she is or not?"

Small girl:" Daddy?"

The girl steps into view a moment after that and looks at Qrow who is a bit startled.

Small girl:" Does he know where mommy is?"

Qrow: I, uhm...I'm sorry to bother you."

The rain gets worse too as the girl and her father turn around and step back inside while Qrow is left on the front porch. A sorrowful look plasters his face as he decides to walk away and take out his flask. He finds himself in front of a request board for bounty missions, crossing off everyone on his list and looking on. 


In the same time Kain finds himself in the same place he was in before entering Mistral. He walks in the forrest, along with small animals. He finally has his weapon back from the blacksmith, so it's ready for use again. A black sheath is strapped to his hip and a holster is on the other side as well. 


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