“I’ve lived here since I was ten years old. I met Alpha when we were both Freshmen in high school. We would always do stupid shit when we were together. Some of it was illegal, but that doesn’t matter. The point is, we were pretty good friends. I was a different person back then, I hadn’t started drawing as seriously as I am now. When his mom got put in jail, he came over to my house and ranted off to me. I didn’t really understand what he was saying to me. It was just a big jumble, but before he left he was furious. I didn’t seem him for a month after that. But after that month he came back around. He knocked on my door with a six pack, after we both had a couple he told me he shot his dad and his step-mom.” Isaac pauses to look at me. I have to say, I was surprised. And confused, how could a sixteen year old get away with murder? But I let him continue on anyways, I had too many questions he had to answer. “After we finished the six pack, he left. He tried to come back the next day but it finally set in to me. You don’t joke around about killing people. I was freaked out, here was this guy who had a temper and he was capable of killing. It scared the hell out of me, so I kept quiet and didn’t tell the cops about what I knew. Three years later, and you’re in the picture. I still think he did it, but I never was able to get evidence enough to go tell the cops. I’m sorry.”

I mull this over for a few seconds, thinking back to when I found the gun in Sabrina’s drawer. Alpha could have very well hid it in there, it’s not like she’s around to notice it anymore. And what if she knows? And she’s obviously keeping her mouth shut about it. “I saw a gun in Sabrina’s sock drawer, it could very well have been Alpha’s.”

Isaac looks worriedly over at me, he brushes his thumb over the back of my hand. “I’m so sorry I never went to the cops, I hate myself for it every day. But if you need help catching him, I’ll help you.” He promises. I smile at him, I know just the plan.

It was dinnertime when Isaac and I made our way back to Alpha’s house. Isaac suggested we sleep and wait until morning to carry out the plan, but I refused. I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight until this scumbag was behind bars and had a lengthy sentence. I push my blonde hair back into a ponytail, it was hard to explain why I trusted Isaac so full heartedly. He could very well be lying, but like he said, nobody jokes about murder. We walk through the door and I make a “be quiet” motion with my finger to my lips, he nods in understanding and follows me into the seemingly empty house. I see Alpha there, and is he crying? I stay quiet for a second, frozen, and hear him crying.

“What are you crying for?” I ask him, and he jumps. He most likely didn’t hear me come in.

“Because my mom left.” He looks at me suspiciously and leans to look behind me.  “What are you doing here?” Alpha hisses, he steps away from me and makes a threatening motion to Isaac.

“Oh, nothing. Why? Are you still mad at me?” Isaac taunts, which is good. I sneak into the kitchen where I dial 911.

“911 What’s your emergency?” I hear a woman’s voice say to me. I glance over at Isaac and Alpha. He’s clearly getting pissed.

“Hi, I need a police car here. There’s a murderer in the house I’m staying at right now.” I tell her surprisingly calm.

“The address that the phone is addressed to, correct?”

“Yes, thank you.” I hang up and walk back into the room.

 “You don’t know what you’re talking about, seriously. I was kidding around when I told you that.”

“Why would you kid about killing somebody?” I enter the conversation, shame running down my neck as quick as a bug.

“I don’t know. I was being immature. It’s not something to laugh about, I know that now.”

How I Fell In Lust With My Conceited Half Brother [Sequel To HIFILWMPO]Where stories live. Discover now