Back on Darwin

810 19 1

Later on the ward Jac is making a nuisance af herself.
"0h look our resident ray of sunshine is back" Frieda commented
Jac had moved to the nurses station and was trying to locate her own notes
"Oi back to bed Naylor" Fletch called down the corridor "I'll give you a hand"
"I don't ne...." she stopped as their eyes locked "fine" she said grumpily
They made it to her bed and Fletch immediately pulled the curtains round
"Hi" he grinned
"Hi" she said placing her arms round his neck
"Just remember that these curtains are not sound proof ok?"
"Why do I need to remember that?"
He answered by pulling her in for a passionate kiss. The most passionate they had shared so far
Jac struggled to suppress her whimpers of pleasure, understanding his warning about the non soundproof curtains
She pulled away "stop stop stop this is ridiculous"she whispered "we're in the middle of the ward. My ward"
"You're just too irresistible"
"Oh shut up Fletch"she said blushing but loving the compliment
Drawing the curtains back once Jac was in bed. Fletch made a big show of sorting her pillows out. Jac had to bite her cheek so stop herself from laughing.
Fletch eventually went back to the nurse's station
"You're so busted Fletch" Frieda said
"I'm sorry?"
"Well a little bird named Dom Copeland was in Pulses earlier"
"Oh come on Fletch you know what he saw and that  performance over there was further proof if I needed it"
"Proof of what exactly?"
"Ok ok" he laughed
"Ha So it's true. I told her once that you would have been an amazing couple and I was right"
"Yes Petrenko you were right but I'm not sure how public she wants it to be so keep it down will you"
"Your secret is safe with me"
He glanced over at Jac. She appeared to be sleeping now.
"Night night gorgeous" he said quietly to himself

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