omega blue preview

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"why are you still in your room?" 

Rus asked a sort of calm fury was painted in His features. Blue didn't even flinch I stead he returned the glare, "because I don't want to clean anymore, I'm not your omega. " he didn't yell,  he didn't cry, he just stood there hands together staring at the group. Stretch felt an anger unmatched and pushed passed rus and slapped blue. He hadn't realized just how hard he had hit blue until he heard bones smashing against the floor. The group stood there in shocked yet calm composure. Blue managed to use his strength to push himself up and lean on what used to be his favorite race car bed, now a frilly abomination with stuffed animals. "why're you acting like this?!? Do you want to be sent back to training!" his yelling did nothing to blue. "do you know why I didn't tell you?" he snapped out of it, "because I felt that even if yu all knew you'd be kind enough not to do this. " a chuckle escaped from blue, "You know I wasn't always an omega. " edge had just finished with all the illusive crap blue was pulling, "what the hell do you mean?" his sentence finished, "I used to be an alpha, until I found out stretch was going to be an omega, a lazy one but heh an omega. So I thought and thought that I just couldn't leave him to that fate and I certainly didn't want to claim him and keep him safe. He was my brother and I didn't want that for him, and I thought he would do the same for me but I was wrong and he even doesn't remember it. But I see he misses the rest of his soul, so I'll BE GLAD TO GIVE IT RIGHT THE FUCK BACK!" and as blue finished it he did a shoving move with his hand and in a flash of light stretch was on the floor. He felt... Off. Blue stood up dusting himself off, "and now I have my soul piece back assholes. " he walked to the door and he turned his head halfway back to the group, "have fun with him, oh and by the way I'm moving out. " he walked out and found his hidden backpack, before he left he'd be buying new clothes. The door shut with a slam. 

Upstairs p.o.v~

"meh, makes sense. "they stared at raspberry shocked. "what he fuck do you mean makes sense?!?" fell yelled, "I mean it makes sense since I wondered the same thing. You know save my brother from his fate, but id rather claim him than switch roles and besides I was wrong and he turned out to be an alpha when he got bigger. He just chooses to submit to me. I'm gonna go I don't want anything to do with you all when you decide what to do with omega ashtray. " he walked out going to find blue and help him. 


It'd been a few months and blue had his own apartment and job back. He sometimes visited the others when he felt like it usually only hanging with raspberry and mutt. He usually ignored stretch but when he didn't he was glaring or smirking at his defeated form. He didn't regret getting his souls piece back and condemning his brother, I mean his brother didn't look out for him like he was supposed to. He had two nose piercings, a new black scarf, a hat on backwards, a dark blue tee shirt, and some grey jeans. His magic had even got a few shades darker, a few more piercings here and there, but his magic remained as powerful and not as dark as classics. He started training with alphy again and spending time with his universes tori, asgore, undyne, NTT, muffet, and grillby. He sometimes saw mutt at muffets getting stretch his reward honey. He occasionally went and got drunk at his grillbys or ate some sweet from his muffets. He worked at a gym though as a personal trainer and he did well he even forced himself to accept the order of training rus, fell, edge, and classic. Usually no one could keep up with him and even raspberry could keep up, but blue never went hard on him because he was his friend and the closest to him besides alphy. He got back into anime and found replacements for some of his old stuff and decorated his apartment. Things were going well and he was doing amazing financially. It was truly a happy end wasn't it?

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