Marko (The Lost Boys)

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A fun night at the boardwalk they said. It'd be a great group outing they said, right before they fucking scattered like roaches to light. Now here I am, staring off into the distance like an idiot while Marko stands beside me cracking jokes. I knew they were up to something, I could sense it in the way Paul had made small jokes it seemed like I wasn't in on, or the way Dwayne kept glancing at me, or David's stupid fucking smirk. And look what happened? I'm stuck next to the dude they know I'm into, and they're nowhere in sight.

"-body to go with! Okay, I get it, that was bad but you could've at least pretended to find it funny." Marko pouted, pulling me out of my angry mind ranting. Which he could've tuned into whenever he felt like. Shit. Fucking shit. I hope he didn't hear any of that.

"Any of what?" He questioned with a small smile creeping it's way onto his cute litt- shut the fuck up! Do you want him to hear you?

"Nothing." I lied smoothly, even though he could most likely tell that I was lying straight through my teeth."Let's just- make the most of our night on the boardwalk, shall we?" I nervously smiled up at him.

He looked as though he were contemplating something, but shrugged it off in the end and smiled a large Cheshire Cat smile, "We shall." He said cheerily.

Walking down the boardwalk and admiring all of the bright lights was one of my favorite things to do. Even now as I strolled along with Marko by my side. I enjoyed going to the small shops and the kiosks here and there, Marko actually took me to one of the small ear piercing kiosks a while back to get my ear pierced. I was terrified, but he held my hand tightly and assured me that it wouldn't hurt a bit. He lied, it hurt like a bitch. We laughed about it for hours afterwards though, he even let me yank his hair to get back at him.

Marko slung his arm over my shoulder and I returned the gesture by wrapping mine around his waist, feeling the cool skin of his side. Marko and I were always really close, we teased Paul together, made dumb jokes and puns, hell I even taught him how to braid. But for the past few months I've been blocking him from reading my thoughts, singing random nursery rhymes to throw him off of my train of thought. I didn't want to, but I had to so he wouldn't find out how I felt. How I felt about him.

"Ooo look Y/N! Cotton candy! I'm gonna run and grab us some, hold on!" Marko exclaimed, running over to the small cotton candy kiosk, where a tired balding man stood behind with an unamused expression. I smiled at his excited form, shaking my head lightly. He was always so goofy and happy, I was glad to have someone like him around all the time.

Once Marko arrived back with a large bag of blueberry cotton candy, we claimed a bench in front of a small flower shop to eat the sugary goodness. We were halfway through the bag when Marko decided to stick some into my hair. "Marko. You really shouldn't have done that." I spoke almost dangerously calm. "And why's that?" He smirked, his bright eyes filled to the brim with mischief. "Because then I'd have to do this," and with that, I stuck a piece of the candy down his pants.

"Aw hell no you didn't!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide and a large grin on his face. "Aw hell yes I did!", and that's when I took off running down the boardwalk with Marko chasing after me, his golden curls flowing behind him gracefully.

"I can't believe you stuck cotton candy down my pants," Marko shook his head and laughed. He moved his head closer to my ear and whispered seductively, "if you wanted to get into my pants, all you had to do was ask."

Gasping I smacked his arm, suppressing the blush that threatened to rise to my cheeks, "I was getting back at you for putting that crap in my hair!" I defended, smiling up at the golden beauty in front of me. "Chill girl, I'm just joking- wait. You hear that?" He asked, turning his head to left in the direction of a small record store. "Holy shit! They're playing our song, c'mon let's go!" He grabbed my hand and dropped the empty bag of candy, dragging me to the small store, his grin spread from ear to ear.

Indeed, it was our song. When Marko and I had first met, it was at one of the small concerts the boardwalk had put on.  They were playing Red Red Wine when I bumped into him and accidentally ripped one of his patches, of course I offered to sew it up, and, well, I'm sure you can figure out what happened.

When we reached the inside of the small door Marko turned to me, the grin still evident on his cherub-like face. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, and began doing silly dance moves while moving his hips exaggeratedly. I just laughed and ruffled the golden blond curls on the top of his head, him swatting my hand away playfully.

"Remember when we met and this song was playing? And you fell on me and ripped my Misfits patch? Damn I was so pissed with you." Marko chuckled as he recalled the memory. "How could I forget? That was the day when I met my best friend, and the love of my life." I mumbled out.

"Hmm? what was that last part? I didn't quite hear you?" He sure as hell heard me. I gave him a blank stare and deadpanned, "Really? I just confessed my deepest love for you and you're gonna pretend you didn't hear me?"

"Oh I heard you, I just wanted to hear you say it again." He smiled and leaned into me ever so slowly, "you have no damn idea what you do to me." that was when he kissed me. The cool skin of his lips met mine, and I was in pure bliss. You could probably guess how things ended up after that night at the boardwalk, and it's all thanks to Paul, Dwayne, and David.

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