Chapter 4: The Grand Piano

Start from the beginning

"I wanna spend most of my time with you," I reply without thinking causing heat to rush to my face, "i-i mean.."

Cas laughs lightly, grinning at me, "It's alright, dean, I know what you mean."

I know damn well he doesn't.

"You'll be doing activities here and sometimes group therapy. I'll show you the room group therapy is supposed to be held in next," he pauses, debating something. "The piano is in a spare room next to the group therapy room," I nod, following Cas down yet another hallway.

"There's more rooms on the other side of the floor but you won't really be going over there,"

He opens a door, the room is nearly empty, the only thing in it is a small grand piano,

"Woah.." I say, walking over to it and running my hand along the base.

"Play something for me?" He asks when I sit down.

"Uh... Sure..." I say, my anxiety starting up, making my hands shake. "I doubt you'll know the songs I can play..." I give a nervous laugh when he doesn't reply, just waits for me to start.

I push down on the F chord, starting the opening to 'hey, jude' by the Beatles.

I play for a few seconds before my hands shake to erratically to press the right keys, my face burning with fear of messing up,

Cas walks over when he sees my hands shaking, he puts his hand lightly on my shoulder and squeezes.

"It's very good... I can see you're struggling with anxiety, you can stop if you want." I sigh deeply, taking my hands off the keys.

"Thank you..." I feel ashamed, I taught myself how to play. Hours of sitting on the floor of my bedroom in front of a cheap keyboard I bought online, just to not be able to play in front of someone on a nice piano. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Dean.. look at me." I lift my head to look at him, it's a little awkward because I'm sitting and he's standing above me. "You're very good." He smiles, "Someday, you'll be able to play in front of people. Don't worry." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I'm not that good... I'll never get over my anxiety, Cas." He smiles softly at the nickname,

"You are good. Very good. Maybe you can play the full song for me one day.."

I nod and shrug, turning to slide off the piano bench, "You can come here anytime to play,"

"Can we do therapy sessions here... For I can... Practice playing in front of people?"

"What a wonderful idea." Cas replies, "I don't see why not... Let me show you the group therapy room and you can get settled into your room..."


The group therapy room has white walls and a few chairs around, there's a couple people talking (one crying) in there, it's a little awkward. There's a small stage and a podium.

"That concludes the tour." He says once we step out of the room. "I can walk with you to your room if you like, I don't have another therapy session until tomorrow." I nod, walking beside him down the hallway. "I'm looking forward to working with you, Dean. You're a very bright young man, I hope you feel better. I really do." He says once we stop in front of my door.

I bite my lip and try to smile but I can feel tears start in my eyes,

Cas' face drops and he puts his hand on myself shoulder, "What's the matter?" He asks, clearly concerned, I knew it was just his job though and I really didn't wanna tell him I thought he was better than me and I'll never find someone as caring as him.

The Piano Man (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now