014. All Good Things

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Chapter Fourteen | All Good Things

I prefer to look upon the
future as something which
is not set in stone.
A lot can happen in
twenty-five years.

Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation, S7:E25, "All Good Things, Pt. 1"

By the time the wedding was three days away, Maryse was exhausted. She had to wake up everyday and meet up with the wedding coordinator along and they'd go over everything that needed to be done that day, after that she'd spend the day on her feet checking everything from flower arrangements to seating charts until her feet are swollen.

Maryse was excited by it all, despite the fatigue. She was getting married to the love of her life, so it was all worth it. It may be cheesy but that didn't make it any less true.

"Your Majesty, the archbishop wants you to look over at the Royal Chapel for floral and sitting arrangements." A young aide said, as she handed her flats.

"Thank you." Maryse said as she changed into her flats. Her feet had been killing her and she couldn't take the high heels anymore.

"Your Majesty, do you want the Prince to join you?" The young aide asked.

"Yes, actually can you have my sisters, Kate and William also join me." Maryse answered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The young aide said as she left to get the group of royals.

Maryse quickly took her prenatal pills with a glass of water and then signed a few documents before the group arrived.

"We have to head to the Royal Chapel." She said.

"I thought we weren't going until they were done decorating." Natalie said.

"No, the archbishop wants me there and I thought you all might as well come since you all will be playing a role in the wedding. You all need to see how things will go." Maryse said.

"Lead the way." Harry said.


Once she entered the office, she took a deep breath and sat down on her really comfortable chair.

While checking on her emails and her charities, someone knocked on her office door once before opening it.

Melissa stepped into the room and announce her wedding with a cursty. "Your Majesty, Mrs. Kyra Haggis has arrived." With another cursty, she exited the room.

"Your Majesty." Kyra spoke with a small curtsy. Once she have straightened up, she came closer to where Maryse was sitting and gave her a document of papers. On that document were activities for the wedding.

"Thank you, Kyra." Maryse said reading through the papers and the additional information given, she signed the confirmation document before handing it back to Kyra to be processed.

"Is that all Kyra?" Maryse asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Kyra said then did a small curtsy again before going out the door.

Melissa knocked on the door again before coming inside.

"Lunch will be served at 12pm with his royal highness, Prince Harry and your glam team will arrive there at 12:45pm to choose your wedding day look." Melissa said then exit the room and Maryse was left to finish up on her paperwork about her charities and future state visits before she need to go to the dining room.

When the clock strikes twelve, Melissa knocked and announced that the food is ready. With a sigh, she put away the important documents where they should be. Standing up, she walked out the door and turned left. Walking down the hall, she turned right before going into the third door on her right, which is the dining room.

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