08. Renee's Pregnancy

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Chapter Eight | Renee's Pregnancy

People grow when they are loved well.
If you want to help others heal,
love them without an agenda.
-Mike McHargue

Kensington Palace, London, England

"Kate!" Harry yelled as he jumped out of bed.

"Hi, so I got a call from Renee, is there something you want to tell me?" She asked.

"I do not know but what did Renee tell you." He replied.

"Henry Charles Albert David, do not play coy with me. You get up this instance and tell me about your trip." She said.

"Sigh fine, I asked Maryse to be my girlfriend. Are you happy now?" He replied.

"Tell me more." She said.

"Well, we're officially courting and I gave her a necklace as a promise to our relationship that one day we will get married." He said.

Kate jumped on the bed, squealing and hit Harry with a pillow. Harry blocked his face and tried to get of the bed but failed.

"Harry, I'm so happy. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this? Of course, you do not know but finally, the two people I care about are going to get their happy ending." She said jumping up and down on the bed.

"I bet you were not this excited when William proposed and please, stop jumping you're pregnant, Kate." He said.

"I was excited when William proposed and I completely forgot. I'm so happy for you, Harry, you out of anyone I know truly deserves to be happy and I know Maryse will be that true happiness for you. I cannot wait until you two get married. I know William will be sad with you moving to France but I know once he sees how happy you are, he will accept it. Plus, we can always visit." She said as she took a seat on the bed.

"Now he will know how I felt when you two got engaged, I thought I was losing my brother, but now I know I was only gaining annoying big sister, who beats me with pilliows when she does not get her way." He said.

"Annoying?" She asked.

"Yes, annoying but I love you, Kate, thank you for being a friend and most importantly for being William's rock." He answered.

"Aww, you're welcome." She said.


Queen Maryse visits Notre Dame de Grandchamp school

Queen Maryse met teachers and students at Notre Dame de Grandchamp school - a school that delivers English Language education in partnership with the British Council.


"Renee, must you just bust into my office." I said as I put down the files that were in my hands.

"Well, I wanted everyone to meet this weekend if they could because Jonathan and I have an announcement." Renee said as she took a seat across from me.

I looked her up and down.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" I asked, smiling.

She sighed.

"Why do you think that?" Renee asked, trying to remain from smiling.

"Renee, I am the Queen and I notice everything." I replied.

"Fine! We're having a baby!" Renee smiled.

"How far along are you?" I asked.

"I just had my twelve week appointment," Renee answered. "We don't know the genders just yet. We've already been thinking of names and so excited I'm already planning godparents." She said.

"Well, congratulations, I'm so happy for the both of you." I said.

"Thank you, Maryse." She said.

"So, Natalie is 6 months along. Now, we have a lot of baby planning to do and definitely need to change your schedule around now." I said.

"My senior advisor is already working on it." She said.

"What are you hoping for?" I asked.

"I want a girl and Jon, wants a boy, but it does not really matter." Renee responded.

"That's wonderful, I'll have someone announce the pregnancy." I said.

"Thank you." She said.


The French Royal Family


Their Royal Highnesses Princess Renee and Prince Jonathan, The Duke and Duchess of Aquitaine
are very pleased to announce that The Princess is expecting a baby in December.

Queen Maryse, is delighted for the couple and was able to congratulate them in person.

The members of both families are delighted with the news.

10:00 am - 20 March 13 from Paris, France

The French Royal Family


Leurs Altesses Royales la princesse Renée et le prince Jonathan, le duc et la duchesse d'Aquitaine

sont très heureux d'annoncer que The Princess attend un bébé en décembre.

La reine Maryse est ravie pour le couple et a pu les féliciter en personne.

Les membres des deux familles sont ravis de cette nouvelle.

10:01 am - 20 March 13 from Paris, France

French Beauty ➻ Prince Harry & Maryse OuelletUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum