another love ➳ maria hill

Start from the beginning

     I tore away from his hand, spitting in his face. Resistance. Funny word. But also a word that should not be uttered in the quietest of voices in trying times like these. "Back. Off."

     I know it's coming and my muscles tense as much as they can. The knowing doesn't soften the blow. The bat is as hard as it looked and my leg is no ball. I feel the bone split into an untold number of fragments as my mind becomes inoperable. The pain takes me not far away, but deep inside myself to some primitive place that knows how to cope with the kind of pain that precedes death.

     My vision is blotched with violent colours that move and merge without pattern or design. The wall of pain still cripples but Maria swims back into view. Her face is just as you'd imagine it to be if she were waiting for a bus. Then he smiles in a small way before continuing his narration of my end, "Y/N, it's just no fun if you don't see it coming." Then the bat falls onto my other leg...


     I wasn't found for days, maybe a week? Time could only tell and in here, it was impossible. The windows were so dusty, a better word to use is black. As the days past, the pain in my legs dwindled, the scabs from them burning strips into my feet fell off and my knuckles had begun the slow process of incorrectly healing themselves. It was new, this pain. The kind of pain you know is there but it's so much that your brain has shut down an focused on keeping you alive.

     Footsteps clink on the metal stairs and boardwalk, causing me to flinch and curl up into a ball. Fear never existed within me, but these people and what they did? Gave me exactly that. Even if these steps were friendly fire, trust was shallow. "Hello?" A familiar voice called out but I couldn't put it on my tongue. It was there and then gone. "Is anyone alive?" Piper! It was Piper, the one yelling.

     My mouth refused to open, for when I tried, my jaw clenched shut for me. I so badly wanted to call out for her, call out for my best friend but apparently, my body knew best and kept me quiet. In this one instance, I wish it didn't. I wanted to scream her name from the rooftops, I want everyone in the damn world to hear me.

     She looked in the window after sneaking around and gasped, shakily thrusting the door open. "Y/N, oh my god. Are you-"

     "I-I can't wa-walk. Noth-nothing is... the signal fr-from my brain is get-getting cut short. I'm-I'm sorry, Pipe-Piper." Piper cradled me in her arms like a new born baby, taking small and cautious steps to the jet that flew her here. "How-How's Maria hol-holding up?" There it was, the question of the year. She gently sat me down in front of the doctor's tapping her foot to avoid it.

     "She's shut herself out from anyone, from... sleep. This has happened before, we all know it but not like this. Maria hasn't left the office, only for food, showers, and the loo. It's... you have an effect on her, is all." The silence in the air gnawed at my insides more than the unbearable pain within every fiber of my body. Everything hurt but the silence? God, silence is like that moment right before a plate of glass hits the ground. It's a painful type of silence.


      My stretcher was swarmed with more doctors, one being the incredible Dr. Helen Cho. Maria wasn't there, her voice overpowering the doctors and I understood. She coped better alone but coped together too. Maria Hill is a complicated woman that I've spent the past five years cracking down on.

     "You're going to be okay, Y/N. We've got you, keep breathing..." My consciousness swam in and out, coming back at bad times when the pain literally made me want to kill myself and going out when they were being delicate. A bad time being the local anesthetic had almost worn off and they were putting pins and screw in my shin.

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