part 4 A kiss of Care

Start from the beginning

Pinky throws the ladle and stares Annika by asking "Warna?, Warna kya??"

Annika: deal, Oberoi Industry, Shivaay's property share, CCTV, humiliation for Oberoi family just because of you. Do u want this to happen?

Pinky gets stammer and back to senses. She forgot the threaten by Annika a while ago. She also cares on the family reputation so whatever her ego drives, by now she should follow as what Annika does.

The lunch time arrives, Shakti uncle, Omkara come. Annika greets them, gets baffled to see Shivaay's presence. She goes out to see Shivaay's car. She sees a metallic gray BMW car infront of their mansion, she looks at the car's registration number. She feels like she has seen that car before but she can't recall. Whose car it would be? Where I have seen this car before? Why do I have a strong feeling that I have seen this car before? Where was that? Too much of questions cloud her brain. Her thinking halts after seeing Shivaay's black Mercedes comes into their mansion and he parks his car. He comes out and sees Annika standing near the entrance. After seeing him, he recalls her imagination scenes of how his childhood would be alike? His smile seeing her makes her little hurt of the untold sorrow ness that he hides in his heart.

Shivaay: why are you standing here?

Annika: I was waiting for you.

Shivaay: waiting for me? Why? U need to go out?

Annika: no. Nothing like that. Let's have lunch.

Shivaay: where? Restaurant? Let's go.

Annika: no, it's in our mansion. Come. Pinky aunty cooked.

Shivaay feels reluctant because he knows that Pinky would never cook for him and yes, there was a time where shivaay joined lunch with them upon Om's compulsion, pinky insulted him and taunted him that made him hurt. He can't face that insult again in his life that too infront of Annika.

Shivaay: Annika, actually. We can't eat there. We shall don't disturb them , so let's go out for lunch? What say?

Annika: no going out for lunch date! U come and join them for lunch.

Shivaay tries hard to avoid but Annika doesn't understand his rejection of taking lunch with them.

Shivaay: I don't have mood to eat! Oh ya, just remembered , I have an important conference call so I have to go into my room!

Annika: stop lying at least  infront of me okay! Come, this is my final and stern warning and call!

Shivaay couldn't refuse to her adamant call.

Shivaay sighs in anger! : you are impossible Annika! Stubborn to the core!

Annika chuckles and says : yes I am. Amazing right?

Shivaay: amazing my foot!

Annika brings Shivaay to the dining hall. Pinky serves Omkara and Shakti uncle. Shivaay reluctantly sees them, he knows he doesn't deserve to be there and he knows what's the heat going to be created by Pinky ma in a while from now?

Pinky looks upon both of them. She glares seeing Annika, Annika signs her by raising her eye brows and smirks. Pinky understands what Annika is meaning to sign?

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