Chapter 70: Vows of Love...

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Chapter 70: Vows of Love...

The two young brides are in the back of the church, preparing for their walk down the aisle and butterflies fluttering in their stomachs.

Rose steps into the dress that she picked out so many weeks ago. The silky fabric felt almost strange as she was now used to more common and comfortable clothing to accommodate her baby bump. Emma has done an amazing job fixing it and even improving it in some places, especially to accommodate the baby. She twirls around a few times before stepping from behind the changing screen.

Like Déjà vu from her wedding on the Titanic, Rose reveals herself to Emma. Her gasps and smiles from ear to ear at the sight of the young bride. Rose's pale face was set off perfectly by the dress, the sequins she'd added to the dress made it even more glittering. Her fiery red hair was pulled up but perfectly frames her petite face. The baby bump was well accented as well and the entire pregnancy made her glow even more in the afternoon sunlight peeking through the window.

"You look so beautiful," Emma says tearfully.

"You really think so?"

"Rose, you look like an angel with red hair."

Rose turns to look at herself in the mirror and gasps. She doesn't seem to recognize the woman in the mirror. Her face is sculpted and perfectly shaped by some red ringlets and makeup. Her dress glitters with each step she makes and it hugs the curves of her body. Of course, she wasn't petite or thin like she used to be, but she still looks amazing.

Rose continues to stare at herself, unable to comprehend what she looks like. She is no longer that frightened little girl who was forced into a loveless marriage and had to conform to society. She wasn't a caterpillar trapped in a cocoon. She'd finally fought and won that battle within herself and around her. She was a woman, a butterfly who has spread her wings and was now free. She pulls her cheeks up into a winning smile, a genuine and happy smile. Her entire body seems to glow with joy and happiness.

Emma was equally enchanted by Rose's beauty. She never imagined that her friend could look so beautiful, in fact, she never imagined that they would become friends when Rose saved her and Sybil from falling all those months ago. Their worlds were so very different, polar opposites of one another, and yet fate had brought the five of them together, united and filled with trust. Two different personalities coming together and creating something new. Emma had learned from Rose to always embrace the love you are given, that happiness comes at the best of moments, and to not judge people so harshly because of what class they came from. Rose had learned from Emma to become the woman she truly wanted to be, find the strength inside of oneself to fight for what they believed in and above all, that family and love are the most important things in the world. Now, they were like sisters, supportive and loving to one another. Emma was so joyful to have people to care for and help fill the void left by her parents. It would never fully be gone, but to have Rose, Jack, and the new baby on the way; her life felt so different and so much happier than before. She wished that her parents could've met Rose and Jack, no doubt they would've welcomed them with open arms. Emma knows what she's going to do to truly seal their family bond.

"Here," Emma says.

Rose looks down to see that Emma is handing her the family comb. It's dented on the teeth, one of the jewels is missing and it's a little rusted from the sea water, but the family vow was still clear as ever.

Quickly, Rose pushes Emma's hands away. "Emma, I can't, I'm not a part of your family, besides you deserve to wear it on your wedding day." She in no way deserved to wear a family heirloom, something that was so special to her friend.

"I already wore it on my wedding day Rose. This is your day and you deserve all the luck in the world."

Rose pauses for a moment. She thinks about all the hardships that she and Jack had endured to get to this day; the separation, the sadness, the drama, the anger, the joy, all of it contributed to her finally getting to marry him. She'd never thought that her life would go this way, but she trusted her instinct then and she still trusts it now. Jack was the one for her and not even a sinking ship could stand in their way.

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