"Quarantine. Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here." Clarke declares after a few moments of thoughts.

"And everyone they had contact with?"

"Well, we have to start somewhere. Conner," Clarke asks one of the boys who had gotten sick as well, "Who was with you when you found him? Who carried him in? Think."

"The first one was Octavia." Conner mumbles through a cough.


Over the course of the next thirty minutes, the drop-ship has filled up significantly. Ash has yet to throw up, instead bleeding out of both her nose and eyes, but she's watched multiple other people retch onto the metal ground before passing out and sleeping like the dead. It's not something she looks forward to experiencing soon.

Clarke diagnosed Octavia to be completely healthy somehow, allowing her to be the one to sneak out to Lincoln's cave and see if he knows anything about the virus without Bellamy knowing. If Ash wasn't as weak as she is, she probably would have tried to stop to it.

But the fact of the matter is that three kids have already died from this sickness and if there's a cure to it that will stop that number from rising, Ash is going to take it.

Ash is helping another kid sit down to rest when it happens.

Without warning, her stomach lurches forward painfully and her throat burns. Blood flows from in between her lips, another pile beginning to form on the floor. It burns from her stomach all the way up her throat unlike any other time she's ever thrown up before.

Hands gently grab at her shaking form, carefully holding her against their body as she continues to throw up violently.

Black dots dance across her vision and tears stream down her face before finally the blood stops. She collapses against the body and sobs in a mixture of pain and relief.

"You're okay. You're okay." Someone whispers into her ear as tears continue to stream down her face.

Tiredly, Ash looks up to see Bellamy sitting down behind her with his back against the wall. Her head is against his shoulder and it's certainly comfortable, but Ash darts upright in a frenzy of panic to try to get away from him. "You'll get sick if you stay near me." She warns him in panic.

Bellamy smiles softly and gently lays her down in his lap, playing with her messy hair abstinently, "I don't care. Just get some rest, Ash. Get some rest."

She doesn't have to be told twice.


Ash awakens who knows how many hours later to footsteps pounding on every side of the drop-ship. Her throat is sore and her head pounds, but she certainly feels much stronger than before.

Slowly to get used to sitting upright, she sits up off of Bellamy's lap and goes to the side of him instead.

She didn't mean to wake him up, but his eyes flutter the second she gets herself situated until he too wakes up.

The dried blood around his eyes, nose, and mouth tells her he got sick in the time she was out, but he seems to be feeling much better as well.

"How long have I been out?" Ash asks groggily after a few seconds of observing him.

"A couple of hours." He responds through a yawn, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Clarke's rounding everyone up and inside as plan B to the Grounders coming."

The Grounders attacking is news to Ash but she isn't surprised. Getting everyone sick weakens them all, it makes sense to attack when they're sick. "What's plan A?" She decides to ask instead, curious to see what their plan against the attack is.

"Finn and Jasper are planting a bomb on the bridge they need to cross to delay them from coming."

Ash nods in approval, "That's a smart plan. That doesn't explain the plan B part though. Do you not think they'll pull it off?"

Any reply he has is cut off when an explosion from not far away makes the drop-ship shake violently.

Bellamy and Ash share a look before rushing outside and joining the crowd already gathered around, Clarke coming to stand next to them.

A cloud of smoke fills the sky, evidence of yet another thing the hundred had to do alone in order to survive.

"I am become death, destroyer of worlds." Clarke speaks poetically into the silence.

"It's Oppenheimer," She backtracks when Ash and Bellamy look a her with 'what' expressions. "The man who built the first—"

"I know who Oppenheimer is, Clarke." Ash and Bellamy say in sync.

Bellamy smiles down at Ash, his brown eyes shining with the type of affection Ash believed to only exist in books and movies as he wraps his arm around her shoulder and presses himself against her.

They fit together perfectly, and Ash can't help but smile and snuggle closer to him as, together, they watch the smoke disappear in the clouds.


Authors Notes:

And John Murphy returns!

How do you think he'll react to the new dynamic in Ash and Bellamy's relationship?

Ready on to find out!

In the mean time, don't forget to Vote.


And share!

<3 you all!

- Emily


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