week one.

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Monday 7:55 PM

Bending down as she petted her dog Pixie, she gave her a treat and went to the sink to wash her hands, she turned on the water and put soap in her hands, washing them she, got a paper towel and turned off the water.
Grace opened the fridge and looked to see if her fruit which she bought about two days ago was there. Which the fruit wasn't she rolled her eyes and picked up the empty container that was mixed fruit and threw it in the trash.

She went and knocked on Ailsa's room door and saw the door swing open and her hair all in her face. Grace only met Ailsa this year, but Benjamin knew her for a couple of years now, and Benjamin was really the only actual family who kept up with her and when Benjamin was old enough he got custody of her since she was underage but acted like an adult. Grace looked at her. "uh sorry A, but did you eat my fruit?" She asked her, she responded quickly. "No, you always accuse me, I'm going to sleep can you tell Ben to turn his TV down." She said as she shut the door in Grace's face. She stood there as the door was shut on her face and raised her eye brow. Walking slowly over to Ben's room she knocked over the loud TV that was blasting a movie, she knocked once more and opened the door, and saw her cousin and another male which both were completely nude, she shut the door quickly and closed her eyes and shook her head, and laughed, and slowly walked to her room grabbing her phone and small wallet.

Grace finally arrived at Megan's where she usually went when she didn't wanna be home, she knocked on the window and saw Megan's head look up as she saw her, she walked to the window and opened it. Grace climbed through the window and shut it before hugging her friend. "Hey, sorry i just showed up i couldn't be home, too much going on." She said laughing. Megan responded. "It's fine, your always welcomed. Just watching Netflix with these two losers." She said as she pointed at Marlon and Tyler. Marlon just waved his hand as he already met grace and said hi to her a couple of times and with Tyler that was something different, he spoke. "Megan hasn't introduced us yet, why. I don't know but I'm Tyler." He said as he reached out for a handshake. "Grace." She responded as she shook his hand with a small laugh as he then continued to watch the movie with Marlon. "Is Shay here, she's usually with you two." She asked the two boys they both shrugged their shoulders and Megan and Grace looked at eachother and let out a small giggle.

They all were on Megan's as they had finished a movie. The boys said there good-byes and megan didn't wanna be home alone so she asked grace to stay and grace agreed of course. She got up as the boys left and started cleaning up the mess of pizza boxes which they had ordered earlier and went into the kitchen to throw them and went into the room to see megan fixing her bed, megan turned and saw her. "Do you have clothes for school if not we can go get some for you, or you can just let me give you a makeover." She said excited. Grace looked at her. "Uh No, I'll let you pick clothes but no makeover." She said laughing as they both laughed, a phone started to ring. They both looked at their phone screens.

Grace's phone was the phone ringing. Megan stood up and looked at her. "Who is it?" She asked. Grace looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. "It's a number." She said. Megan looked at her. "Answer it." Grace swiped across the screen of the phone to answer the call. "Um Hello?" She asked. "Hey beautiful, what are you doing next Friday?" A males voice responded. Grace rolled her eyes. "Why are you calling me." She said a little firm. "Why did you not keep your promise?" He said. "You said you would leave her alone, and all your doing is making it worse." She said as she looked at Megan as she spoke. "Look I'll pick you up next Friday at 7, okay?" He said. She bit her lip a bit. "Okay, now stop messing with Kelsey." She said. "I will only if you come to this Friday's party we're having." He said with a small laugh. She rolled her eyes. "Fine, okay bye now." She said hanging up and throwing her phone on Megan's bed.

Megan looked at her and asked "Was it Donald?" She said as the let out a small laugh. Grace looked at her. "Yes it was and we speak nothing of this okay?" She said looking at her. "I trust you." She said again and Megan nodded with a smile. "Okay, but you have to tell me everything tommorow on our way to school, promise?" Grace looked at her and said promise. "Now let's go to bed, im tired." She said as she laid on the bed and closed her eyes slowly falling asleep.

season two.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz