Part II - The solution

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  No, he still had no idea what to do to get rid of the SID Chief and keep his big brother to himself. It was harder than he had imagined. Ye Zun had spent two days wandering the streets of the city and wasting time at the park - as almost every day - but no matter how hard he tried to get an idea, the lighting didn't seem to want to know about him. Was he really so incompetent? After frightening pigeons to let his irritation out in some way, Ye Zun returned home, threw himself on the sofa and stared at the ceiling for who knows how long. Total mental block! He wanted Wei all for himself, but he didn't know how to do it and that was even more frustrating. He had no ideas at home and he had no ideas outside... But at least, he would be able to take a breath of fresh air outside and who knows, maybe he would have been more lucky. For some strange reason, the road led Ye Zun to Dragon City University. Maybe he hoped for a stroke of genius, in regard to the purpose of that institution. It was a great place, he had to admit: the huge building was nice and the garden, even bigger, was fantastic. But it would have been better not to get noticed too much: after all, Ye Zun shared the same face as the brilliant professor of Biological Engineering, Ye Zun didn't want to risk to bump into someone who would ask him questions that he had no idea how to answer. Wei's reputation had to remain intact, ruining it was the last thing Ye Zun wanted to do. His goal was Zhao Yunlan and the detective's already precarious reputation couldn't interested him less. However, since he was at school, Ye Zun wanted to take a look to his brother's office, just to see if it was in the same boring order as the apartment. Ye Zun managed to reach it without being noticed.

-Brother, you're so boring.

  Nope, the room was in the same condition as the apartment. How could he even think it could be different? The office fully reflected Wei: neat and clean, precise in a certain sense, but also comfortable and it gave a sense of security, as if it was a place where everyone could always find help. The chair seemed very comfortable, it was hard to resist. Ye Zun walked around the desk and sat down, but the effect was not as he imagined it would be.

-Large, but stiff. Like his brain... How can you sit on this rock for hours?

  Ye Zun shook his head. He began to open the drawers on the desk, too curious. How could there be so much stuff in such a small space? Stupid question! It was the desk of "practically perfect in every way" Shen Wei. Ye Zun opened another drawer and a shimmer caught his attention as he heard footsteps and someone knocked on the office door.

-Professor, I was looking for you! I decided for the next week party. Can I bother you?

  Panic. As soon as Ye Zun saw the speaker, he jumped up and stiffened right where he stood. A girl with a face that was not completely foreign to the young man. What was Ye Zun supposed to do? Wei wasn't there, Ye Zun was just the professor's twin... The man's face suddenly lit up with a little sneer. He smiled at the girl. At first, she seemed almost confused, but then, a sweet smile lit up her face. A similar smile was on Yunlan's face as he was looking at a menu outside a restaurant. A nice program was already forming in his mind for that Sunday: Wei would certainly be happy with the surprise Yunlan wanted to make. Who could resist a candlelight dinner? Yes, he too was capable of something like that, and with a box of chocolates, a rose and who knows, maybe even a soft plush heart too. No, maybe the plush heart was too much: Wei would hit him in the face with that one. His Wei Wei was always embarrassed when Yunlan gave him some presents and he begged him not to, but Yunlan couldn't resist that embarrassed look and absolutely wanted to see it. Yunlan showed a pleased expression. He turned to leave, but a girl bumped into him, dropping her shoulder bag and the stuff inside it.

-I'm so sorry! I never look where I'm going.

-It's ok. You alright?

-Yes, thank you. I'm really sorry.

-Don't mention it.

  Yunlan smiled and helped the girl collect her stuff. It was at that moment that he noticed a glint at her neck and a puzzled and confused expression appeared on his face. He was blocked right where he stood. That was... No, it can't be. A hand waved in front of his eyes.

-Sir, are you alright?

-What? Ah... Yes. That...

-Oh! A special one gave it to me... I never imagined it could happen. It's pretty, isn't it?

-Yes, it is... Best wishes.

-Thank you, sir! Sorry again!

  The girl disappeared. Yunlan stared at the emptiness. The light must have played him a bad joke, because he didn't want to believe what he had just seen. No matter how hard he tried, that fixed idea took stayed in his mind all day long. He tried to keep himself as busy as possible at work. Fortunately, the SID had a case that made Yunlan go back and forth, so he had little time to rethink what he saw. But once he was back home late at night, he lied down next to Wei, who was already asleep and those thoughts came back strongly into his mind.

-There's an explanation, right?

  Yunlan raised a hand to caress his partner's hair, but he saw the hand trembling. He withdrew it. Yunlan felt a cold shiver down his spine. He didn't want to believe it, but how could it be different? That necklace... Yunlan clenched his teeth. Why was all of that happening? He swallowed. There was certainly a valid explanation... It had to be there! Yunlan kept on looking at Wei.

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