010. Royal Shotgun

Start from the beginning

He started the car and they drive away from the mayhem, hoping that nobody followed them.

"So where are we going?" Maryse asked. She realized that she still had no idea where Harry was taking her.

"We're going to see someone very special." He said.

"Oh okay." She said.

Harry reached across and grabbed her hand. Maryse squeezed his hand then pulled out her phone and started responding to emails and text messages from friends and family.

We drove for almost 2 hours and arrived at Althorp House- which obviously Maryse is not aware of the place because she looked around as I passed by the gates.

"Where are we?" Maryse asked as I pulled over in one part of the estate and I got out of the car.

I know she's watching me cautiously even when I opened her door and offered my hand.

"Trust me." I said and she accepted my hand.

I led her as we passed the memorial temple for my mother.

"Oh my God." Maryse said as she looked at the memorial temple. She now knew where we were.

I went to where my uncle had left a small boat for me as he knew I was coming and helped Maryse get into the smal boat and began rowing it to an island in the middle of an ornamental lake on the estate and stopped when I reached the edge

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I went to where my uncle had left a small boat for me as he knew I was coming and helped Maryse get into the smal boat and began rowing it to an island in the middle of an ornamental lake on the estate and stopped when I reached the edge. We climbed out and we walked until we were in the middle- overlooking my mother's grave.

"I want you to meet a special woman in my life." I then told Maryse, as she stared at my mother's grave. "Maryse, my mother." I whispered "And mummy, this is Maryse, the woman that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. We're also going to have a baby. You're going to be a grandmother." I said.

Maryse's eyes started getting teary.

"Nice to meet you, Diana, you raised a fine young man. I know you're watching over us and I'm happy that Harry brought me here." She said as she held his hand. "I'm going to take good care of him for you." She said, smiling.

A dove came and land on Diana's tomb stone.

"It's a sign." Harry said.

"She's given her approval." Maryse said.


"I'm very disappointed with you both." Queen Elizabeth said as we sat in her office, explaining why we needed to get married soon. Of course, Philip, Charles, and William were here.

"Elizabeth, I understand why you're disappointed but we have this all under control. We have time before I start showing and we think it's best if we get married before the new year so that way we can announce it a month after the wedding." I said as I was getting irritated with being talked to like a child.

"Maryse, as a Queen, I expected more out of you, but you both are adults and will have to face the consequences for your actions." Elizabeth said.

"I don't think there will be backlash from this and even if there is any we will handle it and face it as adults." I said.

"What about Harry's titles once you two are married?" Charles asked.

"Harry, will be King Consort." I answered.

"Maryse, your parliament will not approve." Philip said.

"Parliament is already in session to introduce a bill that will allow Harry to become King Consort, which I strongly believe will happen." I said.

"What does that mean?" William asked.

"He will hold the equivalent of the my monarchical titles, but he does not share the my political and military powers. He has also been granted the automatic right to rule or of succession to the throne if I should die or our heir is not of age to rule. After, our wedding I will grant him the Crown Matrimonial of France." I answered.

"And you think the parliament will agree to this." Philip said.

"I know they will." I said.

"Harry, are you sure this is the way you want to handle this?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, I love Maryse, and I will do everything in my power to be by her side." Harry answered.

"Okay then, we will do everything that we can to support you both. I hope you both are ready. Now, back to discussing titles, should I grant you a dukedom on the day of your wedding?" Elizabeth said.

"Can she grant me a dukedom?" Harry asked, looking at me.

"Well, she may grant you one." I answered.

"Then yes, Granny you may grant me a dukedom." Harry said.

"Will you use your name or continue with Harry once you're married?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well I think I'll continue with Harry unless advise otherwise." Harry answered.

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