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Daenerys Targaryen had never left Westeros before now. She'd barely even left her home at Dragonstone before this. Now she is standing outside a cabin styled house in a forest clearing, in Washington State, in America. A long, long, long, way from home. She takes a breath and looks to her bodyguard, stood at the front door to the cabin. Jorah, he'd been with the family through thick and thin and took over as Daenerys' protector when the time came. He stands beside her now. Right there with her. Daenerys takes a breath and brushes her hands over the pale blue top she wears. Her second cousin, Sam Uley leaves the house ahead of them and shakes Jorah's hand before they are both heading towards Daenerys, the difference in the family resemblance is striking, Daenerys is so pale compared to him. The Targaryen blood in her makes her skin white.

"Hey, Dany" Sam greets, Daenerys waves a little. They'd met once when they were both younger, a long, long time ago, Daenerys was barely out of her diaper and Sam was more interested in playing with Viserys then paying attention to Daenerys. Dany is her childhood nickname and now her 'alias', to keep her hidden she had to change her name. It happens when assassins break into her home and slaughter her family. All of them. Daenerys was only saved because Jorah was there to drag her out, she looks to him. Running away. Fleeing and hiding her away from the world is his idea, just till he figures out who it is trying to kill her. Jorah touches her arm and she nods a little looking to Sam.

"Sam" she greets formerly, it's her training. He offers her a small smile. "Thank you for agreeing to let me stay with you" Daenerys tells him, really grateful, she had no where else to go, and Sam had agreed to let her stay with him until everything dies down. Sam fidgets slightly with his hands, they're family but is hugging her too much? They're not close but he still feels the need to hug her, everything that happened to her. She's still just a little girl. Sam instead moves to the car behind her, Jorah opens the trunk, he and Sam share a look, both worried about Daenerys, her family is dead and she's.....ghosting a little, Jorah has seen it the last few days, she's been quiet, withdrawn. Sam grabs her bags from the trunk side stepping the one that's hissing at him. He looks to Daenerys.

"You....have a snake?" he asks her, she shakes her head.

"No" she answers and moves to his side. "A dragon" she corrects, Sam stares at her a moment before laughing kind-heartedly, believing her to be joking. Daenerys watches him a moment before lifting the cloth covering the crate, revealing an actual tiny red and black dragon. "I'm not joking" she tells him, Sam's eyes widen as he stares at the dragon. "It's okay if he stays too, right?" she asks him. "He's only small" Sam nods a little. If he says no, she has an actual dragon that may or may not be able to kill him.

"Sure" he still stares at the animal, something that is supposed to be fictional, fantasy, mythological, non-existent, how is there one right in front of him? He knows the family's animal is the dragon but she's technically from England, and they love their dragons over there. "I don't..." he starts and frowns a little.

"You don't know much about the family, do you?" she asks him softly, not accusatory at all, genuinely upset that this side of her family weren't allowed to know.

"Obviously not" he comments looking to her. "Guess we both have some things to talk about" he admits, she has a dragon and is living with him, so he has to tell her about his big, black, furry family secret, otherwise she might stumble upon one of the others. She lifts the crate from the car and shares a look with Jorah.

"You'll be okay here with Sam" Jorah assures Daenerys. "Just keep your head down, and your nose clean and I'll be back before you know it" she nods a little.

"Just be careful" she begs of him.

"You know I will be" Jorah tells her and closes the trunk of the car.


A scarred woman stands at the kitchen counter as the cabin door opens, she turns to greet Daenerys and Sam as they walk in, Emily holds a tray of muffins in her hands.

"Dany" she greets. "It's so nice to finally meet you, I'm Emily" the woman tells Daenerys, voice full of warmth and honest welcome. Daenerys smiles back at her.

"Nice to meet you too" Daenerys offers. "Thank you....for letting me stay with you"

"You're more then welcome" Emily assures her. "I'm just sorry that it took...." Emily pauses and looks to her sadly. "This" she settles on. "For us to finally meet" Daenerys smiles sadly back and nods. There is a shout outside the house and Sam hangs his head.

"Great" Sam groans and turns to greet the rest of his pack who push and shove their way into the house. They pauses upon seeing Daenerys stood there, white hair, pale skin, utterly breathtaking. She looks to Sam and then back to them.

"Who's the new girl?" Paul teases looking over Daenerys.

"This is Dany" Sam answers. "She's my....second cousin" Sam points out. "And she's staying for a while so be nice" he warns under his breath. "Here" Sam hands Paul one of Daenerys bags. "Make yourself useful. Take these up to the spare room" Paul glances to Daenerys who raises an eyebrow, that box in her hand hissing at the room from behind the blackout cloth.

"Sure" Paul tells Sam and then grabs another of the bags before heading up the stairs.

"Are you hungry, Dany?" Emily asks. "I know it was a long flight" Daenerys smiles and nods taking a muffin from the offered tray.

"Thank you" she answers, surprising the pack with her British accent.

"She's your cousin?" Jacob asks. "She's...British"

"Westerosian" Sam corrects.

"Westerosi" Daenerys corrects Sam. "It's Westerosi" Sam looks to her.

"Sorry, it's just been a while...." she nods a little back.

"I know..." she offers. "It's okay" she smiles at the back. "Nice to meet you all" she tells them politely. "But urm...It was a long flight, and I could do with resting" Sam nods and motions to the stairs.

"Right, urm...top of the stairs second door on the left" he tells her.

"Thank you" Daenerys tells him warmly and then turns walking away, and up the stairs.  

Fire & Ice (E. Cullen)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum