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Hey im laura marano and im 17 years old. I go to marino high. I am also extremely smart but bullied fr tht same reason.

Anyways summer break is over and I am totally excited to start school but really afraid of the populars. Especially of tht ross dude. He loks soft but he is as hard as a rock.

I called my BFF raini who btw is amazing.

R ~ hey laur

L~ hey rains. could you please pick me up. R~ sure laur. see u in 20.

L~ k bye.

after tht I went to have breakfast. and thn raini picked me up and we were off to school. Of which honestly I wasnt very happy, but I brushed it off.


Hey im ross lynch a.k.a Mr Bad Boy. I'm one of the populars. I am 17 and go to marino high. I have a really awesome girlfriend named lisa who is just so hot. Idk I got tht lucky. But anyways school started today and Ik u ppl wont believe it but I actually school and get good grades.

I just act bad boy so tht I dont get bullied.

Today when I entered class. I saw this beautiful brunette named laura. but she was a geek and I couldn't like a geek. Tht would ruin my image of bad boy or popular.

Honestly but I do not like laura she thinks she's incredibly smart and all the populars are just plain stupid. Well fr most of it she's right but im not like tht at all. Anywaysy job is to bully her and im doin it just fine so why should I care. (btw he does care cause he has gone thru thr same thing. )


After class got over I went to my locker. Suprisingly I hadn't got bullied the whole day. But exactly when I was thinking about that.  Chelsea came up and knocked my books out of my hand while smirking.

I knew this wouldn't end well but I had no choice so I got bullied by them quietly and just ran back home running.


So guys tht was my first chapter of my first fan fiction.  hope u guys like it. ik it was suckish but u promise u im working on it

and there will be a lot of feels every where. till next time.

~ ursula xoxo ♥♥

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