Character Interviews

Start from the beginning

15)   Dear Tiana- In what way would you like to be murdered- slow and painful torture, bullet in the head, knife to the heart, poison or buried alive?

TIᗩᑎᗩ: Those aren't very good options.

16)   Dear Riley, was it love at first sight?

ᖇIᒪEY: No. I'm sorry for all you hopeless romantics out there, but I don't believe in love at first sight. There was an attraction there, definitely, but only an exterior one. Love at first sight indicates that you're falling in love with someone for their physical appearance and not their personality, and I don't believe that to be true love. I thought Alec was attractive, definitely, but I wasn't in love with him from that very second. It was something that built up over time as I got to know him more.

17)   Dear Jack, can we play Mario kart together? I bet I can beat you.

ᒍᗩᑕK: No way can you beat me! I'm awesome at Mario Kart.

18)   Dear Alec, have you spoken to your Dad?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: Unfortunately, yes, I've spoken to him a few times recently. I don't particularly enjoy having him in my life at the moment, but I know I'll regret it if I don't. Even though I hate how he's made no attempt for proper contact all these years, he's still my Dad. I don't have to like him, but I do love him.

19)   Dear Chase- who is your favourite? Joe, Alec or Dylan?

ᑕᕼᗩᔕE: Awe I'm sorry Dylan and Alec mates, but Joe and me are meant to be. #Jase forever man.

20)   Dear Author, how can I get my own Alec Ryder?

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: So many have you guys have asked me this, so I thought that I'd finally release my recipe to your very own Alec Ryder. Without further ado, here are the ingredients:

200g of sweetness

500g of cockiness

20 pick-up lines, diced

A dash of abs and cerulean blue eyes

150g of hotness

1 tablespoon of vanilla and cologne

And finally a splash of grasshole

Simply blend them all together, add in some model-like qualities and there you have it. Enjoy.

21)   Dear Violet, when you heard the rumour about Alec and Tiana what did you want to do to him?

ᐯIOᒪET: I wanted to cut of his fingers and slice them thinly, before deep frying them in butter and making him eat them. Then I might have just plucked out every single one of his hairs one by one with a pair of tweezers. Bet he wouldn't look like a sex god then. Finally I wanted to hang him from his earlobes on a bridge, with a testicle-eating infestation of sharks in the river below. Of course, that's only the beginning of what I want to do to Tiana right now.

22)   Dear Alec, do you have a (preferably single) twin?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: I think if I did then I'd definitely be the more attractive twin. It depends on whether you're willing to settle for second best, really.

23)   Dear Tiana, do you regret the abortion?

TIᗩᑎᗩ: don't know. That decision was by far the biggest I've ever had to make in my life, and probably will continue to be the biggest for quite some time. I hate myself for what I did, but I can't quite bring myself to regret it. I'm a smart girl, believe it or not, and one stupid mistake could have cost me the future that I'd spent so long mapping out for myself.

Dear Author, are any of the characters in this book based on people you know?

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: Some, yes. I have a friend called Jack who reminds me exactly of the boy in the book, although I didn't consciously realise the resemblance until recently. Millie reminds me of my little cousin, definitely. My pretty much exactly like Ruby Greene. As for Alec, Dylan, Chase and Joe I'm going to have to say no. I wish I was that lucky to have boys like that in reality!

24)   Dear Alec, how do you plan on proposing to Riley in the future and can I be invited to the wedding?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: Proposing? Jeez, we're thinking far ahead: I'm only seventeen! I guess...well I wouldn't want it too cliché. I'd want it personal and light hearted, like implanting the ring into one of her bra cups or something...I don't know, I honestly want to leave it until after college is over and we can settle down properly. As for inviting you to the wedding though, I'd have to say yes. How would I cope without seeing your gorgeous face in the audience?

I really hope you enjoyed the interview! I'm so sorry that I couldn't answer everybody's questions, but there were so many. These were amongst the most popular ones :) Vote/Comment/Fan as always!

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