Interruption-Chapter 2

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3rd POV

"(Y/N)... You know I love you right?"
"Well I love you too."
"Really? Even after all the crap I've
done to you?"
"I forgave you already!"
"Hahaha... I suppose..."
"Now come here and kiss me~!"

(Y/N) woke up with a start, what the hell was that dream? She shook her head and yawned. She got dressed in a grey tank top with a leather jacket over it. Then, she put on black jeans and some combat boots.

She made her way to the dungeon first thing in the morning. Spade was asleep against the wall, she decided to actually risk something.

She unlocked the door of the cell and stepped in. She tip toed to Spade's body and cuddled up next to him. Her mind said to get the fuck out of there, but her soul told her to try it.

Spade's arms wrapped around (Y/N) and his tongue was wrapped around her waist. His blue tongue was sticking out happily. He suddenly twitched and murmured, "Yeah... you are so damn beautiful tonight... god damn, (Y/N)..."

(Y/N) blushed hard. The king all of a sudden woke up slightly. He moved suddenly, "What the—?!" (Y/N) swiftly hushed him, "Quiet! The guards are RIGHT ACROSS the hall!"

The spade king began to whisper loudly, he was blue in the face. He finally spoke clearer, "Why were you doing that? Don't ever do that EVER again..." She smiled nervously, "Oh. I'm so sorry! I just... wanted a reaction, I guess?"

He calmed down a little, obviously regretting snapping at her. "So Spade, how are you this morning?" The large man shifted a bit, "Stuck in this tiny cell? BAH! Horrible, my dear!"

Guard POV

I peeked over the wall to see what was the commotion and I saw something that almost made me scream. The lightner girl was inside the ex-king's cell!

I dashed as quick as my little legs could carry me, and started to shout.

"HEY! DON'T HURT HER ANYMORE! I WON'T HESITATE TO PUT YOU DOWN!" I yelled it so proudly, even though I wouldn't be the one to kill him, I would only escort him to the prison's doctor. The doctor would inject a dangerous chemical into him and kill him.

The most surprising part about this was that the girl seemed to block him from me with a stern face. She spoke darkly, "Please, he is the best thing that has ever came to my pathetic life. If you take his life, you will also have to take my own..."

I dropped a sweat, killing an innocent person with fatal injection would make the doctor AND me lose our jobs! Brr... I do NOT want to upset the doctor.

   I thought for a few seconds, then I finally said, "Alright, just this once I will spare you two," my mind told me this was for my own good.

   They both smiled, BOTH of them—even the King Of Spades! Shock came to my face as I realized what was going on, "(Y)-(Y/N)! You and him are...?"

   She blushed profusely and stammered out her words, "W-what? No! No, of course not!" I smirked, and teasingly stated, "Looks like Lancer will have a new sibling soon."

   They yelled, "GET OUT," in unison. I took the hint and walked away from the cell. Let's hope this time, he takes care of his child and it doesn't become a brat like Lancer...

Change Me, I Dare You | King Of Spades X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें